1. ಚೋಳು

    ♪ cōḷu
    1. any of numerous arachnids of the order Scorpionida, widely distributed in warmer parts of the world, having a long, narrow, segmented tail that terminates in a venomous sting; a scorpion.
  2. ಛಳ

    ♪ chaḷa
    1. = ಛಲ2.
  3. ಚಾಳ

    ♪ cāḷa
    1. a group of similar, small houses or a line of such houses.
  4. ಚಳ

    ♪ caḷa
    1. moving or tending to move; shivering; unsteady.
    2. not stationary; moving (from place to place); wandering.
    3. excited; perturbed; not quiet; reeling under tense.
  5. ಚಳ

    ♪ caḷa
    1. radiant or luminous brightness; brilliance; radiance; (?).
  6. ಚಳ

    ♪ caḷa
    1. a resolving or determining (about something) firmly, resolutely or obstinately, and the quality of working for achieving it.
    2. the state or quality of being obstinate; resistance to advice, reasoning, etc.; stubbornness; obstinacy.
    3. a firm hold or grip.
    4. a man showing determination, resoluteness, in sticking to his decision, manner of acting, etc.; a resolute or obstinate man.
  7. ಚಳ

    ♪ caḷa
    1. the crude form of sugar, made from sugar-cane juice or sap of certain palm trees, that is brown or dark brown in colour; jaggery.
  8. ಚಳ

    ♪ caḷa
    1. a man characterised by unsteadiness, lack of firmness of mind or hesitation.
    2. the condition of the mind that is excited, perturbed or tensed; anxiety.
    3. air in motion; wind.
    4. a man who walks or moves fast or acts swiftly.
  9. ಚಳೆ

    ♪ caḷe
    1. a long, unsewn cloth esp. the one used to carry a child, sick person, etc.
  10. ಚಳೆ

    ♪ caḷe
    1. a light, small, portable, usu. circular cover for protection from rain or sun, consisting of a fabric held on a collapsible frame of thin ribs radiating from the top of a carrying stick or handle; an umbrella.
    2. a similar article but used symbolically in a wedding.
  11. ಚಳೆ

    ♪ caḷe
    1. metal that has been drawn into a very long rod, usu. circular in cross section.
    2. a long, slender twig, leaves taken off, used in punishing students; a stick.
    3. a small, slender branch of a tree or shrub; a twig.
  12. ಚಳೆ

    ♪ caḷe
    1. the tree Strychnos potatorum of Loganiaceae family; clearing nut tree.
    2. its nut used for clearing water; clearing nut.
  13. ಚಾಳಿ

    ♪ cāḷi
    1. the act of moving, going, walking, etc.
    2. the act of starting, beginning or commencing.
    3. the way a person habitually behaves or acts; manners.
    4. that which has become a regular habit, manner, by observing, performing repeatedly and regularly.
    5. common acceptance; general use; prevalence.
    6. the manner or mode unique or special to a particular system of music.
    7. the fact or state of being obsessed with an idea, desire, emotion, etc.; an obsession.
    8. a way of doing, being done or happening; mode of action, occurrence, etc.; a manner.
    9. a particular manner in which one moves to hold his opponent in wrestling.
  14. ಚಳ್ಳ

    ♪ caḷḷa
  15. ಚಳೆ

    ♪ caḷe
  16. ಚಾಳಿ

    ♪ cāḷi
    1. (astrol.) Rāhu, one of the nine planets that are believed to rule the destiny of human beings.
  17. ಚಳ್ಳೆ

    ♪ caḷḷe
    1. the small or medium-sized, deciduous tree Cordia dichotoma (= C. myxa) of Boraginaceae family.
    2. its plum used in making pickles.
    3. another tree of the same family, Cordia obliqua.
    4. its plum.
    5. ಚಳ್ಳೆ ಹಣ್ಣು ತಿನ್ನಿಸು caḷḷe haṇṇu tinnisu (fig.) to cheat; to deceive.
  18. ಚಳ್ಳು

    ♪ caḷḷu
    1. that which is sharp, keen.
    2. a long, slender twig.
    3. a broom made of long, slender sticks, used on threshing floor to remove light objects by brooming from the heap of grain.
  19. ಚಳಿ

    ♪ caḷi
    1. the sprinkling of water on the floor (as to keep the dust from raising up).
  20. ಚಳಿ

    ♪ caḷi
    1. absence of heat; lack of warmth: a low temperature.
    2. the icy crystals that form directly on a freezing surface as moist air contacts it; frost; ice.
    3. the sensation of cold felt by a person having fever.
    4. ಚಳಿ ಬಿಡು caḷi biḍu (fig.)(shyness, psychological restraint on first meeting) to be overcome; ಚಳಿಗೆ ಇಲ್ಲದ ಕಂಬಳಿ ಮೆಳೆ ಮೇಲಿದ್ದರೇನು, ಮುಳ್ಳಿನ ಮೇಲಿದ್ದರೇನು? caḷige illada kambaḷi meḷe mēliddarēnu, muḷḷi na mēliddarēnu? (prov.) if a thing, however good it is, is not available at the time of need is but useless; good that comes too late is as good as nothing.