1. ಚೀರಣ

    ♪ cīraṇa
  2. ಚೀರ್ಣ

    ♪ cīrṇa
  3. ಚರಣ

    ♪ caraṇa
    1. the act or an instance of moving; movement.
    2. the way a person behaves or acts; conduct; manners; behaviour.
    3. that part of the leg on which a person stands or moves; the foot.
    4. an arrangement of a certain number of lines, usu. four or more, sometimes having a fixed length, meter or rhyme scheme, forming a division of a poem; a stanza.
    5. a symbol for the number two.
    6. (jain.) that part of jaina scriptures that deals with the conduct of, procedures to be observed by, ascetics and householders.
  4. ಚಾರಣ

    ♪ cāraṇa
    1. the act, process or an instance of wandering.
    2. a particular kind of methodical skill, dexterity or posture in wrestling.
    3. a wandering actor.
    4. a poet and singer of poems; a bard.
    5. a man who praises another highly (either habitually or intentionally).
    6. a celestial singer.
    7. that which causes or urges (something) to move.
    8. (Jain.) a man who knows the art of moving in the air and preaches Jaina religion.
  5. ಚೀರಣೆ

    ♪ cīraṇe
  6. ಚೂರಣ

    ♪ cūraṇa
    1. any dry substance reduced to small particles or dust by crushing, grinding, etc.; powder.
  7. ಚೂರ್ಣ

    ♪ cūrṇa
  8. ಚೂರ್ಣ

    ♪ cūrṇa
    1. a white caustic alkaline substance (calcium oxide) obtained by heating limestone and used for making mortar, white-washing walls; lime.
    2. a substance in the form of fine dry particles; powder; dust.
    3. any aromatic powder (as of sandal, camphor, etc.).
    4. a piece of a whole; a fragment.
    5. a method thieving or cheating, using charming powders.
    6. (rhet.) lucidity in the style of prose writing; a composition with simple and short compounds.
  9. ಚೂರ್ಣಿ

    ♪ cūrṇi
    1. a sum of one hundred cowries.
    2. (log.) a putting forward an argument that is unintelligible to the other.
  10. ಛುರಣ

    ♪ churaṇa
    1. the act of spreading throughout or all over.
  11. ಚರಣಿ

    ♪ caraṇi
    1. a box, trough or a rectangular bin in a cow-pen to hold fodder for cattle to eat; a manger.
  12. ಚಾರಣೆ

    ♪ cāraṇe
    1. a particular mode in the game played with a ball.
    2. a movement in wrestling, mace fight, etc, characterised by an advantageous strategy.
    3. an urging of an elephant or horse to move forward.
  13. ಚಿರಣೆ

    ♪ ciraṇe
    1. a wedge shaped hand tool of steel with a sharp edge, for cutting or making holes in, metal objects; a chisel.
    2. the work of cutting or making holes in, metal objects with a chisel.
  14. ಉದರದೀಪನ ಚೂರ್ಣ

    ♪ udaradīpana cūrṇa
    1. that (usu. a medicinal powder) which stimulates one's appetite; an appetizer.