the external limiting tissue layer of an animal body especially when forming a tough but flexible cover relatively impermeable from without while intact; the skin.
a broad piece of armor, carried by soldiers, policemen, etc., to protect oneself from being hit with swords, lances, stones, etc.
ಚರ್ಮ ಸುಲಿ carma suli to beat, chastise, whip ruthlessly; ದಪ್ಪ ಚರ್ಮ dappa carma (fig.) insensitiveness to criticism or rebuffs; thick-skin; ಚರ್ಮ ತೊಳೆದರೆ ಕರ್ಮ ಹೋದೀತೆ? carma toḷedare karma hōdīte? (prov.) purity of the mind cannot be got by washing one's body; all the water in the sea cannot wash out one's sins.