1. ಚರೆಯ

    ♪ careya
    1. = ಚರಿಯೆ.
  2. ಚರಾಯ

    ♪ carāya
  3. ಚರ್ಯ

    ♪ carya
    1. the way a person behaves or acts; conduct; manners; behaviour.
    2. the act or practice of observing or keeping, a law, duty, custom, rule, etc.
  4. ಚರಿಯ

    ♪ cariya
    1. = ಚರಿಯೆ.
  5. ಚರಿಯೆ

    ♪ cariye
    1. the act or practice of observing or keeping, a law, duty, custom, rule, etc.
    2. (jain.) a wandering for food (to be received as alms).
    3. a rich and elaborate meal; a banquet; a feast.
    4. the way a person behaves or acts; conduct; manners; behaviour.
    5. (said of cattle) the act of eating grass, hay, etc.
  6. ಚರಾಯಿ

    ♪ carāyi
    1. = ಚರಾಕು.
  7. ಚರ್ಯೆ

    ♪ carye
    1. the manner of conducting or bearing oneself; behaviour; demeanour; deportment.
    2. a manner of expressing; expression.
    3. (jain.) strict observance of non-violence, as a religious vow.
    4. (jain.) a wandering for food (to be received as alms).
  8. ಚಿರಾಯು

    ♪ cirāyu
    1. a long life (of a person).
    2. a long-lived person.
    3. the common black bird Corvus splendens; the crow.
  9. ಚೌರಿಯ

    ♪ cauriya
    1. = ಚೌರ್ಯ.
  10. ಚೌರ್ಯ

    ♪ caurya
    1. the habit of or living made by, stealing, committing burglary regularly.
    2. an instance of stealing, burglary, etc.; theft.