1. ಘೋಷಿ

    ♪ ghōṣi
    1. = ಘೋಷ -7.
  2. ಘೋಷಿ

    ♪ ghōṣi
    1. announcing; proclaiming; publicising.
  3. ಗೋಶಿ

    ♪ gōśi
    1. a single long cloth used to cover the privy parts, as by a male ascetic or, poormen in warm climates; a loin cloth.
  4. ಕೋಶಿ

    ♪ kōśi
    1. a pod - a) a long seed vessel esp. of a leguminous plant, e.g. a pea; b) the cocoon of a silkworm; c) the case surrounding locust eggs.
    2. an outer garment with sleeves esp. a protective one; a coat; an armour.
  5. ¯Áಕ್ಷ

    ♪ lākṣa
    1. the refined resinous substance deposited on the twigs of various trees by the female of the lac insect, used by women for drawing ornamental lines on their body.
  6. ಕಶ

    ♪ kaśa
    1. a lash attached to a stick for urging on animals or punishing etc.; a whip.
    2. a string; a rope.
    3. an external opening in the head, through which most animals admit food and emit communicative sounds; the mouth.
    4. a distinctive attribute or faculty; a characteristic trait; a quality.
    5. the act of whipping, lashing; flogging.
  7. ಕಷ

    ♪ kaṣa
    1. the act or an instance of rubbing.
    2. a type of black stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the streak left on it when it was rubbed with the metal; a touchstone; streak plate.
  8. ಕಾಶ

    ♪ kāśa
    1. brightness; radiance; brilliance; lustre.
    2. the grass Saccharum spontaneum of Poaceae family.
    3. the grass Sorghum nitidum (= Andropogon serratus) of Poaceae family.
    4. a flower of this grass.
  9. ಕಾಶಿ

    ♪ kāśi
    1. a holy city in Uttar Pradesh, in North India, on the Gangā river.
    2. (fig.) a place that is very important, sacred to a particularsect or group of people.
  10. ಕಾಶಿ

    ♪ kāśi
    1. a unsewn, oblong cloth worn by men around the waist to cover the lower parts and one end of which is taken between the legs and tucked behind at the waist band; a dhōti.
    2. an oblong, unsewn cloth, as a towel, used to tie around the waist.
  11. ಕಾಶಿ

    ♪ kāśi
    1. brightness; radiance; brilliance; lustre.
    2. the clenched hand; fist.
    3. the sun.
  12. ಕಾಶೆ

    ♪ kāśe
    1. = ಕಾಶಿ3.
  13. ಕಾಶೆ

    ♪ kāśe
    1. = ಕಾಶ -3.
  14. ಕಿಶೆ

    ♪ kiśe
    1. a small bag that is sewed or inserted in a garment so that it is open at the top or side, for carrying money and small articles.
  15. ಕೀಶ

    ♪ kīśa
    1. a nonhuman primate mammal esp. any of the smaller longer-tailed primates; a monkey.
    2. the sun.
    3. any of warm-blooded, two-legged, egg-laying vertebrates of Aves clas, with feathers and wings; a bird.
  16. ಕುಶ

    ♪ kuśa
    1. the grass Desmostachya bipinnata ( = Poa cynosuroides) of Poaceae family; with long blades, used in performing religious rites.
    2. another grass of the same family, Desmostachya tripinnata.
    3. water.
    4. a metrical foot consisting of one short syllable followed by two long one (u-- ).
    5. name of one of the seven mythological islands.
  17. ಕುಶಿ

    ♪ kuśi
    1. iron that is shaped by hammering or beating while it is hot.
    2. the share or cutting blade of a plough; a plough-share.
  18. ಕುಶಿ

    ♪ kuśi
    1. joy; delight; entertainment; amusement.
  19. ಕುಶೆ

    ♪ kuśe
    1. the grass Desmostachya bipinnata ( = Poa cynosuroides) of Poaceae family, with long blades, used in performing religious rites.
    2. another grass of the same family, Desmostachya tripinnata.
    3. a plank used as a lid to cover something.
    4. a piece of wood.
  20. ಕುಶೆ

    ♪ kuśe
    1. a long narrow strap with each end attached to the bit, used to guide or check a horse etc. in riding or driving; rein.