1. ಘೋಳಾಘೋಳಿ

    ♪ ghōḷāghōḷi
    1. a fierce fight between two rival cavalry soldiers.
    2. a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people; any loud and continued noise.
    3. a wild disorder caused by violent motion of a crowd of people; turbulence.
  2. ಗೋಳಾಗೋಳಿ

    ♪ gōḷāgōḷi
    1. the state of being disorder, deranged, confused.
  3. ಗಳಗಾಳ

    ♪ gaḷagāḷa
    1. a curved piece of wire or bone with a barbed end, for catching fish.
    2. (fig.) a person or device that is deadly.
  4. ಕಾಳ್ಕಾಳ್

    ♪ kāḷkāḷ
      independent clause
    1. the sound imitating the cry of a baby.
  5. ಕಳಕಳ

    ♪ kaḷakaḷa
    1. a melodious blend of different tunes (as of different birds).
    2. loud or confused shouting; din of voices; clamor.
    3. the perturbed, agitated state of the mind.
    4. the act of lamenting; outward expression of grief; esp., a weeping or wailing; lamentation.
  6. ಖಳಖಳ

    ♪ khaḷa khaḷa
    1. (Jain.) one of the hells.
  7. ಘಳಘಳ

    ♪ ghaḷaghaḷa
    1. a sharp, metallic sound, shorter in duration.
  8. ಗಳಗಳ

    ♪ gaḷagaḷa
    1. a sound produced in swallowing morsels; 2 ) a sound imitating this.
    2. the sobbing sound.
  9. ಕಳೆಕೀಳು

    ♪ kaḷekīḷu
    1. to clear (an area) of weeds; to weed out.
    2. to remove unwanted, worthless or useless parts, things, components, etc. from.
  10. ಕಳ್ಗಾಳಿ

    ♪ kaḷgāḷi
    1. (fig.) the wind that is carrying the aroma of a toddy.
  11. ಕಳಿಕಳ

    ♪ kaḷikaḷa
    1. the plant Maninot esculenta (=M. utilissima) of Euphorbiaceae family; cassava plant.
    2. the root of this plant.
  12. ಕಳ್ಗೀಳ

    ♪ kaḷgīḷa
    1. a man who is given to the habit of drinking toddy; a man who very often gets drunk.
  13. ಕಳ್ಗೀಳು

    ♪ kaḷgīḷu
    1. the irresistable habit of drinking toddy.
  14. ಕಾಳಾಕಳು

    ♪ kāḷākaḷu
    1. a black cow.
  15. ಕಳೆಗೊಳ್

    ♪ kaḷegoḷ
    1. to become pleasant, agreeable or fascinating.
  16. ಕಳೆಗೀಳು

    ♪ kaḷegīḷu
    1. = ಕಳೆಕೀಳು.
  17. ಕಳಾಕುಳ

    ♪ kaḷākuḷa
    1. any highly poisonous substance.
    2. a complicated condition or structure; complex, involved or confused relationship of parts; complication; entanglement.
  18. ಕಿಳಕಿಳ

    ♪ kiḷakiḷa
    1. a cry expressing fear or pain.
  19. ಕಿಳಿಕಿಳಿ

    ♪ kiḷikiḷi
    1. (dial.) the act of causing laughter, pleasant tingling, etc. by exciting the surface nerves by touching or stroking lightly with the finger, a feather, etc.; tickle.
  20. ಕಾಳ್ಕೋಳಿ

    ♪ kāḷkōḷi
    1. a bird of the duck tribe, gallus sonnerati; wild-fowl; wood-cock.