1. ಘುರುಕು

    ♪ ghuruku
    1. the hollow, loud sound made by a hog.
    2. a sound imitating it.
  2. ಕುರುಕು

    ♪ kuruku
    1. a low, murmuring sound.
  3. ಗುರುಗು

    ♪ gurugu
    1. the plant Mackenziaea integrifolia ( = Strobilanthas integrifolius, = S. perfoliates) of Acanthaceae family.
    2. the tree Bridelia retusa of Euphorbiaceae family.
    3. the plant Chrozophra rottlerii of Euphorbiaceae family.
  4. ಗುರುಕು

    ♪ guruku
    1. = ಗುರುಕೆ.
  5. ಕುರುಗು

    ♪ kurugu
    1. to reduce (oneself) in size; to shrink; to contract (oneself).
    2. to bend (from a straight position).
    3. to feel dejected; to cast down in spirit; to get disheartened; to be depressed.
  6. ಕುರುಕು

    ♪ kuruku
    1. to speak very softly without vibration of the vocal cords; to talk or say in a barely audible tone or in a secret or confidential way; to whisper.
    2. to sing in a very low tone.
  7. ಗುರುಕು

    ♪ guruku
    1. = ಗುರುಗುಟ್ಟು.
  8. ಕುರುಕು

    ♪ kuruku
    1. = ಕುರಿಕು.
  9. ಗರ್ಗ

    ♪ garga
    1. the adult male of cattle; an ox; a bull.
    2. any of a number of oligochaetous worms that burrow in the soil, esp. any of a genus (Lumbricus) very important in aerating and fertilising the soil; an earthworm.
    3. (myth.) name of a sage.
  10. ಕರಕ

    ♪ karaka
    1. a small water container with a handle, a snout or nozzle.
    2. frozen rain falling in a shower or storm of pellets; hail.
    3. the tree bearing this fruit, Punica granatum of Punicaceae family and its fruit; pomegranate.
    4. a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth; a forest.
    5. the tree Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family.
    6. its nut; myrobalan.
    7. a structure or place where a bird lays eggs and shelters its young; a nest.
    8. a water pitcher; a pot.
    9. the hard outer cover of the coconut kernal; coconut shell.
    10. the terminal part of the arm from the wrist to the tip of fingers; the hand.
    11. a regular and mandatory payment made to a ruler by his subordinate ruler; tribute.
    12. a kind of bird.
  11. ಖರ್ಗ

    ♪ kharga
    1. a long, usu. curved weapon with a sharp blade on the convex side, with a hilt, used as a weapon for cutting, stabbing, etc. or as a religious symbol; a sword.
  12. ಕೃಕ

    ♪ křka
    1. the front of the neck beneath the chin and above the collar-bones, containing the upper parts of the gullet and windpipe; the throat.
  13. ಗರಕ

    ♪ garaka
    1. absorbed deeply; engrossed (in).
  14. ಗರಗ

    ♪ garaga
    1. the plant Eclipta prostrata ( = E. alba) of Asteraceae family; weed-ham.
  15. ಗರ್ಗ

    ♪ garga
    1. the plant Eclipta prostrata ( = E. alba) of Asteraceae family; weed-ham.
  16. ಕಾರಕ

    ♪ kāraka
    1. a man who does, makes, performs.
    2. mental or physical pain.
    3. (gram.) the relation subsisting between a noun and a verb in a sentence or between a noun and other words governing it, as subject, predicate, etc.
    4. a suffix to denote 'doeṛ, 'makeṛ, etc.
  17. ಕರ್ಕ

    ♪ karka
    1. any of numerous ten-footed crustaceans having the first pair of legs modified as pincers; crab.
    2. a white horse.
    3. the state or process of combustion, in which substances using the oxygen available in the air, giving out bright light and heat; the substance so burning; fire.
    4. a water jar.
    5. an image-giving metal piece with a smooth surface or glass coated on the otherside as not to allow the light to pass through; a mirror.
    6. the fourth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about June 21; the Cancer.
    7. a malignant new growth anywhere in the body of a person or animal; malignant tumor: cancer.
  18. ಕರಗ

    ♪ karaga
    1. a water-jar.
    2. a festival observed on the full moon-day of the 12th month of a lunar year, in which a man, dressed as a woman runs on the roads carrying on his head jars filled with water without holdig them.
    3. a folk dance prevailing in some parts of Tamiḷ Nāḍu and Kēraḷa.
    4. ಕರಗದಮ್ಮ karagadamma a female deity of ಕರಗ.
  19. ಕಾರಕ

    ♪ kāraka
    1. a tax levied on artisans, craftsman, etc.
  20. ಕರ್ಕ

    ♪ karka
    1. matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; sediment; dregs.