1. ಘೀಳಿಡು

    ♪ ghīḷiḍu
    1. to emit a loud high-pitched piercing cry expressing fear, pain, extreme fright, etc.; to scream.
    2. to utter a loud deep hoarse sound, as made by a lion, elephant, etc. or a person in rage; to roar.
    3. to implore, beg.
  2. ಗೀಳಿಡು

    ♪ gīḷiḍu
    1. to emit a loud high-pitched piercing cry expressing fear, pain, extreme fright, etc.; to scream.
    2. to utter a loud deep hoarse sound, as made by a lion, elephant, etc. or a person in rage; to roar.
    3. to implore, beg.
  3. ಕೀಳಿಡು

    ♪ kīḷiḍu
    1. to put the bit of a bridle into the mouth of a horse.
  4. ಕೀಳಿಡು

    ♪ kīḷiḍu
    1. to voice a sudden, sharp loud cry (as from fear or pain); to scream.
  5. ಗೀಳಿಡು

    ♪ gīḷiḍu
    1. to pull apart or to pieces with some force; to tear up.
  6. ಕುಳಾಡಿ

    ♪ kuḷāḍi
    1. in wrestling, a particular lock or hold in which a part of the opponent's body is firmly gripped.
  7. ಕುಳ್ಳೆಡೆ

    ♪ kuḷḷeḍe
    1. a place to sit.
  8. ಕೂಳಾಟ

    ♪ kūḷāṭa
    1. a children's play in which they play sham cooking, feeding etc.
  9. ಕೂಳೊಡೆ

    ♪ kūḷoḍe
    1. to sprout; to begin to grow or germinate; to put forth shoots.
  10. ಕೌಳುಡೆ

    ♪ kauḷuḍe
    1. a pillow or soft pad for sitting or kneeling on or reclining against; a cushion.
  11. ಗೋಳಾಟ

    ♪ gōḷāṭa
    1. outward expression of grief; esp., a weeping or wailing; lamentation.
  12. ಗೋಳಾಡು

    ♪ gōḷāḍu
    1. to feel deep sorrow or express it as by weeping or wailing; to wail; to lament.
    2. to beg humbly; to beseech.
  13. ಗೋಳಿಡು

    ♪ gōḷiḍu
    1. to make a plaintive, sad, crying sound; to express grief or pain by long, loud cries; to wail; to lament.
    2. to make a loud, rumbling noise; to roar.
  14. ಘೋಳಿಡು

    ♪ ghōḷiḍu
    1. (rightly, ಗೋಳಿಡು) to make a plaintive, sad, crying sound; to express grief or pain by long, loud cries; to wail; to lament.
    2. to make a loud, rumbling noise; to roar.
  15. ಕಳೂಟ

    ♪ kaḷūṭa
    1. = ಕಳುವೂಟ.
  16. ಕಳ್ಳಾಟ

    ♪ kaḷḷāṭa
    1. an action or reason put forward to conceal the real purpose or object; a false show of something; a pretence.
    2. ಕಳ್ಳಾಟವಾಡು kaḷḷāṭavāḍu to make an imitation or false show of; to counterfeit; to putforth a pretext; to feign.
  17. ಕಾಳಾಡು

    ♪ kāḷāḍu
    1. a forest goat; a wild goat.
  18. ಕಾಳಿಡಿ

    ♪ kāḷiḍi
    1. (a cereal plant) to bear grains.