1. ಘೀಂಕೃತಿ

    ♪ ghīŋkřti
    1. the loud, long, characteristic sound made by an elephant; trumpet.
  2. ಕಿಂಕೃತಿ

    ♪ kiŋkřti
    1. a troubled state of mind; anxiety; distress; worry.
    2. ಕಿಂಕೃತಿಯಾಗು kinkřtiyāgu (agitation, worry) to prevail on one's mind.
  3. ಕಿಂಕರತೆ

    ♪ kiŋkarate
    1. the condition of being a slave; bondage; servitude; slavery.
    2. the state or quality of being humble caused by lack of confidence or shyness.
  4. ಕಿಂಕಿರಾತ

    ♪ kiŋkirāta
    1. = ಕಿಂಕಿರ - 2 & 4.
    2. the bird of Psittaciformes order with hooked bill, bright feathers, that imitate human speech; a parrot.
    3. the tree Saraca indica (= Jonesia asoca) of Caesalpiniaceae family.
    4. the plant Barleria prionites of Acanthaceae family.
    5. its yellow or red flower.
  5. ಖಿಂಕೃತ

    ♪ khiŋkřta
    1. the sound produced by an arrow shot with force.
    2. a sound imitating it.