1. ಘಾರಿಗೆ

    ♪ ghārige
    1. (rightly, ಗಾರಿಗೆ) a flat, circular cake made of wheaten flour or rice flour and jaggery, and fried in ghee or oil.
  2. ಗರಿಕೆ

    ♪ garike
    1. (in gen.) any green grass that cattle, buffalo eat.
    2. the grass Cynodon dactylon ( = Panicum dactylon) of Poaceae family.
  3. ಗಾರಿಕೆ

    ♪ gārike
    1. a device for seizing or lifting objects, having two long arms pivoted or hinged together; tongs.
  4. ಗಾರಿಗೆ

    ♪ gārige
    1. a flat, circular cake made of wheat flour or rice flour and jaggery, and fried in ghee or oil.
  5. ಖಾರಿಗೆ

    ♪ khārige
    1. a deep, wide trench, usu. filled with water, surrounding the rampart of a fortfied place, as a town or a castel; a moat.
  6. ಕರಿಕೆ

    ♪ karike
    1. the grass Cynodon dactylon (= Panicum dactylon) of Poaceae family.
    2. (in gen.) any green grass that cattle, buffalo eat.
  7. ಗಾರಿಗೆ

    ♪ gārige
    1. a deep, wide trench, usu. filled with water, surrounding the rampart of a fortified place, as a town or a castle; a moat.
  8. ಕಾರಿಕೆ

    ♪ kārike
    1. a woman who makes, creates or acts; an artist, mechanic, actress, etc.
    2. physical or mental pain; agony; distress.
    3. a memorial verse on grammatical, philosophical or scientific subjects.
    4. a line of business; a trade, occupation or profession.
  9. ಕಾರಿಗೆ

    ♪ kārige
    1. a deep, wide trench, usu. filled with water, surrounding the rampart of a fortfied place, as a town or a castle; a moat.
  10. ಕಾರಿಕೆ

    ♪ kārike
    1. contents of the stomach ejected through the mouth; vomit.
    2. the act or process of vomoting.
  11. ಗರಿಗೆ

    ♪ garige
    1. a round vessel of any size, made of earthenware, with a small mouth, used for holding liquids; a pot.
  12. ಗರಗ

    ♪ garaga
    1. the plant Eclipta prostrata ( = E. alba) of Asteraceae family; weed-ham.
  13. ಖರ್ಗ

    ♪ kharga
    1. a long, usu. curved weapon with a sharp blade on the convex side, with a hilt, used as a weapon for cutting, stabbing, etc. or as a religious symbol; a sword.
  14. ಗರಕ

    ♪ garaka
    1. absorbed deeply; engrossed (in).
  15. ಕರಕ

    ♪ karaka
    1. a small water container with a handle, a snout or nozzle.
    2. frozen rain falling in a shower or storm of pellets; hail.
    3. the tree bearing this fruit, Punica granatum of Punicaceae family and its fruit; pomegranate.
    4. a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth; a forest.
    5. the tree Terminalia chebula of Combretaceae family.
    6. its nut; myrobalan.
    7. a structure or place where a bird lays eggs and shelters its young; a nest.
    8. a water pitcher; a pot.
    9. the hard outer cover of the coconut kernal; coconut shell.
    10. the terminal part of the arm from the wrist to the tip of fingers; the hand.
    11. a regular and mandatory payment made to a ruler by his subordinate ruler; tribute.
    12. a kind of bird.
  16. ಕಾರಕ

    ♪ kāraka
    1. a man who does, makes, performs.
    2. mental or physical pain.
    3. (gram.) the relation subsisting between a noun and a verb in a sentence or between a noun and other words governing it, as subject, predicate, etc.
    4. a suffix to denote 'doeṛ, 'makeṛ, etc.
  17. ಕರ್ಕ

    ♪ karka
    1. any of numerous ten-footed crustaceans having the first pair of legs modified as pincers; crab.
    2. a white horse.
    3. the state or process of combustion, in which substances using the oxygen available in the air, giving out bright light and heat; the substance so burning; fire.
    4. a water jar.
    5. an image-giving metal piece with a smooth surface or glass coated on the otherside as not to allow the light to pass through; a mirror.
    6. the fourth sign of the zodiac, entered by the sun about June 21; the Cancer.
    7. a malignant new growth anywhere in the body of a person or animal; malignant tumor: cancer.
  18. ಕರಗ

    ♪ karaga
    1. a water-jar.
    2. a festival observed on the full moon-day of the 12th month of a lunar year, in which a man, dressed as a woman runs on the roads carrying on his head jars filled with water without holdig them.
    3. a folk dance prevailing in some parts of Tamiḷ Nāḍu and Kēraḷa.
    4. ಕರಗದಮ್ಮ karagadamma a female deity of ಕರಗ.
  19. ಕಾರಕ

    ♪ kāraka
    1. a tax levied on artisans, craftsman, etc.
  20. ಕರ್ಕ

    ♪ karka
    1. matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; sediment; dregs.