1. ಗೌಱು

    ♪ gauṛu
    1. the quality of being stiff and brittle, easily broken, snapped or crumbled; crispness.
    2. ಗೌಱುಬದನೆಯ ಕಾಯಿ gauru badaneya kāyi a dish made of brinjal by burning it and making it crisp.
  2. ಗೌಱು

    ♪ gauṛu
    1. = ಗೌರು.
  3. ಕೌಱು

    ♪ kauṛu
    1. bad smell like that of stale fat, oil or completely putrefied vegetable.
  4. ಕೌಱು

    ♪ kauṛu
    1. to become putrid or rotten and emit rancid smell.
    2. to lose freshness or strength; to droop, to wither; to fade.
    3. to be burnt to charcoal.
  5. ಗಱ್

    ♪ gaṛ
    1. the belching sound.
    2. a sound imitating or resembling it.
  6. ಕಾಱ್

    ♪ kāṛ
    1. = ಕಾಱು1.
  7. ಕಱೆ

    ♪ kaṛe
    1. the colour of charcoal; black colour.
    2. a stain discolouring a cloth or the skin.
    3. a mark or sign of disgrace or discredit; a stigma.
    4. the watery juice exuded from the mango fruit or the fruit of marking nut tree.
    5. a substance causing illness or death when eaten, drunk; any poison.
  8. ಕಿಱಿ

    ♪ kiṛi
    1. to push in with force; to cause to become dense.
    2. to sink in or diminish oneself.
  9. ಕಱೆ

    ♪ kaṛe
    1. to give milk (as a cow etc.).
    2. to give forth; to emit.
    3. to cause to draw or squeeze (milk from a cow etc.).
    4. to fall like rain.
    5. to cause to fall like rain.
    6. to sprinkle; to scatter.
  10. ಕಾಱೆ

    ♪ kāṛe
    1. a gold or silver collar or necklace worn by women.
  11. ಕಾಱು

    ♪ kāṛu
    1. the share or cutting blade of a plough.
  12. ಕಿಱಿ

    ♪ kiṛi
    1. younger; not old.
    2. smaller.
    3. junior.
  13. ಕಿಱು

    ♪ kiṛu
    1. to close; to shut (a door, lid etc.).
    2. to cover from all or almost all sides; to encircle.
    3. (fig.) to be silent; to keep mum.
    4. to put forward an obstacle, obstruction or opposition.
  14. ಕಿಱು

    ♪ kiṛu
    1. younger; not old.
    2. smaller.
    3. junior.
  15. ಕಱು

    ♪ kaṛu
    1. a young of a cow, bull buffalo, etc.
    2. (fig.) a child; a baby.
  16. ಕೀಱು

    ♪ kīṛu
    1. to move (a door, window, lid, etc.) into a position that closes the opening to which it is fitted; to shut.
  17. ಕೀಱು

    ♪ kīṛu
    1. to move along the surface of a body with pressure; to rub.
    2. to run into or through as a pointed weapon does; to pierce; to stab.
    3. to scrape with claws or nails.
    4. to test the quality of gold by rubbing it on a touchstone (used figuratively as also).
    5. to persuade persistently; to compel.
    6. to give a hint; to suggest (something) directly or indirectly.
    7. to oppose; to act in opposition.
  18. ಕೀಱು

    ♪ kīṛu
    1. to become angry; to get enraged; to flare up.
  19. ಕುಱಿ

    ♪ kuṛi
    1. to mark - a) to put or make a mark or marks on; b) to identify or designate by or as by a mark or marks.
    2. to take note of; to give attention to.
    3. to direct one's mind to; to mind.
    4. to direct (spoken or written words) to; to speak or write to; to address.
    5. to apply oil, ointment etc. on skin etc.; to anoint.
  20. ಕೀಱು

    ♪ kīṛu
    1. to cry aloud; to shout.
    2. to scream.