1. ಗೋಚಾರ

    ♪ gōcāra
    1. the movement of cattle.
    2. (astrol.) a moving, actual or apparent, of celestial bodies esp. of those planets whose influence on human beings is believed to change according to such movements.
  2. ಗೋಚರ

    ♪ gōcara
    1. a tract of grassland, whose grass is grown for use as hay; a meadow; a pasture-land.
    2. a large and indefinite part of the surface of the earth; a district; a region.
    3. a place of dwelling; a house.
    4. ಗೋಚರವಾಗು gōcaravāgu to be seen; to appear; to become visible.
  3. ಗೋಚರ

    ♪ gōcara
    1. ranged, travelled over or through, roamed about, by cattle.
    2. that can be or is seen, perceived, observed; seen; visible; apparent.
  4. ಗಾಚಾರ

    ♪ gācāra
    1. (astrol.) the rule of an individual's destiny by the planets.
  5. ಕಚರಾ

    ♪ kacarā
    1. = ಕಚಡ1.
  6. ಖಚರ

    ♪ khacara
    1. that which moves, seem to move or believed to move in the sky as a bird, an arrow, a deity, the sun; etc. 2) the symbol of the number 'one'.
    2. a particular mode of playing a musical instrument.
  7. ಖಚರ

    ♪ khacara
    1. moving, seeming to move or believed to move in the sky.
  8. ಕಚರಾ

    ♪ kacarā
    1. = ಕಚಡ2.
  9. ಕಚೇರಿ

    ♪ kacēri
    1. the building, room or series of rooms in which the affairs of a business, professional person, branch of government, etc. are carried on; an office.
    2. a program of vocal or instrumental music, usu. one in which a number of musicians perform together; a music concert.
  10. ಕಚೋರ

    ♪ kacōra
    1. the plant Curcuma zeodarina (= C. zerumbet, = Amomum zerumbet) of Zingiberaeae family.
    2. the Kaempferia galanga of Zingiberaceae family.
    3. arsenic trisulfide, As2S3, having a lemon-yellow color and a resinous lustre which is used as a pigment; orpiment.
  11. ಕಚೋರಿ

    ♪ kacōri
    1. a dish made of fish using a dough of flour, fat, and water, used as a cover for it; a fish-sandwich.
  12. ಕಚ್ಚರ

    ♪ kaccara
    1. unclean matter that soils; dirt.
    2. a bag; a pouch.
  13. ಕಚ್ಚರಿ

    ♪ kaccari
    1. = ಕಚ್ಚಡಿ1.
  14. ಗುಚ್ಚೂರಿ

    ♪ guccūri
    1. a short stabbing weapon with a pointed and edged blade; a dagger.
  15. ಕಚ್ಚೇರಿ

    ♪ kaccēri
    1. the building, room or series of rooms in which the affairs of a business, professional person, branch of government, etc. are carried on; an office.
    2. a program of vocal or instrumental music, usu. one in which a number of musicians perform together; a music concert.
  16. ಕಛೇರಿ

    ♪ kchēri
    1. = ಕಚ್ಚೇರಿ.
  17. ಕುಚರ

    ♪ kucara
    1. moving on the earth (as opp. Aquatic etc.).
    2. moving slowly or sluggishly.
    3. tending to cause harm to others.
    4. following immoral ways.
    5. inclined to find fault in others.
  18. ಕುಚರ

    ♪ kucara
    1. a wicked, depraved man.
  19. ಕೆಚ್ಚುರಿ

    ♪ keccuri
    1. the red, reddish yellow flame of a fire.
  20. ಕಚ್ಚೂರ

    ♪ kaccūra
    1. the fragrant plant Kaempferia galanga of Zingiberaceae family.
    2. a fragrance made from this tree.