to spoil - a) to damage or injure in such a way as to make useless, valueless, etc.; to destroy; b) to mar or impair the enjoyment, quality or functioning of; c) to overindulge so as to cause to demand or expect too much.
to commit the crime of engaging in sexual acts, esp. involving penetration of the vagina or anus, usu. forcibly or deceitfully with a girl or woman, with a person who has not consented; to rape.
to extinguish (a fire, burning lamp, etc.); to put off.
to ward off; to prevent (evil things from happening, etc.).
to have taken from one by negligence; to suffer the loss of; to be deprived of.
to make ceremonially unclean or to spoil morally.
ಕೆಡಿಸಿ ಕೂಡಿಸು keḍisi kūḍisu (coll.) to spoil or render something completely useless.