1. ಗುಲಾಮ

    ♪ gulāma
    1. (masc.) a human being, as in feudal systems, owned as property by, and is absolutely subject to the will of, another; bondservant divested of all freedom and personal rights; a slave.
    2. (masc.) a person employed to perform services, esp. household duties, for another; a servant.
    3. (masc.) a person who is completely dominated by some influence, habit, person, etc.
    4. a man of ignoble quality or base mentality; a menial man.
    5. a playing card with a conventionalised picture of a male slave or a soldier on it; a jack.
  2. ಗುಲ್ಮ

    ♪ gulma
    1. a cluster of shrubs, underbush or small trees; a thicket.
    2. a unit or subdivision of an army consisting of nine elephants, nine chariots, twenty-seven horses and forty- five foot soldiers.
    3. a large, vascular, lymphatic organ in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity of vertebrates, near the stomach, that has various functions in modifying the structure of the blood and forms part of the immune system; the spleen.
    4. a particular disease of the spleen.
    5. a kind of tropical tree.
  3. ಕಲಮ

    ♪ kalama
    1. rice in the husk, the seed of the aquatic cereal grass Oryza sativa of Poaceae family; paddy.
    2. the paddy-field.
  4. ಕ್ಲಮ

    ♪ klama
    1. physical or mental exhaustion; weariness; fatigue.
  5. ಕಲುಮೈ

    ♪ kalumai
    1. a strong, hard stone-like body.
  6. ಕಲ್ಮೆ

    ♪ kalme
    1. high competency; skill; adeptness; proficiency.
  7. ಕಲ್ಲಾಮೆ

    ♪ kallāme
    1. a turtle that lives on land, esp. below rocks.
  8. ಕಳಮ

    ♪ kaḷama
    1. rice in the husk, the seed of the aquatic cereal grass Oryza sativa of Poaceae family; paddy.
    2. a field where rice is cultivated; a paddy-field.
  9. ಕಾಲಿಮೆ

    ♪ kālime
    1. blackness.
    2. a mark, sign, etc. that mars the beauty, natural appearance.
  10. ಗೋಲೋಮಿ

    ♪ gōlōmi
    1. the plant Acorus calamus of Araceae family.
    2. its root; sweet flag-root.
    3. the grass Agrostis procera of Poaceae family.
    4. the plant Nardostachys jatamansi of Valerianaceae family, the root of which is used in making a fragrant ointment; spikenard; Indian nard.
  11. ಕಲಮು

    ♪ kalamu
    1. any of various writing instruments; a pen.
    2. a device having bristles, hairs fastened into a hard back, with a handle attached, used for painting; a brush.
    3. a characteristic way of painting with a brush.
    4. the act or process of inserting a bud or shoot of a plant into the stem or trunk of another for purpose of grafting; graft.
  12. ಕಲಮು

    ♪ kalamu
    1. a numbered paragraph of a writing, a law, etc.; a section.
  13. ಕಲಾಮು

    ♪ kalāmu
    1. any of various writing instruments; a pen.
    2. a device having bristles, hairs fastened into a hard back, with a handle attached, used for painting; a brush.
  14. ಕುಲಮೆ

    ♪ kulame
    1. the fire-pit of a smith.
    2. an enclosed chamber or structure in which heat is produced, as by burning fuel, for warming a building, reducing ores and metals, etc.; a furnace.
    3. any extremely hot place.
  15. ಕುಲಿಮೆ

    ♪ kulime
    1. a fire-pit of a smith.
    2. an enclosed chamber or structure in which heat is produced, as by burning fuel, for warming a building, reducing ores and metals, etc.; a furnace.
    3. any extremely hot place.
  16. ಕುಲುಮೆ

    ♪ kulume
    1. the fire-pit of a smith.
    2. an enclosed chamber or structure in which heat is produced, as by burning fuel, for warming a building, reducing ores and metals, etc.; a furnace.
    3. any extremely hot place.
  17. ಕೊಲಾಮಿ

    ♪ kolāmi
    1. a Dravidian language, akin to Telugu, spoken in central and southern parts of India.
  18. ಕೊಲಿಮೆ

    ♪ kolime
    1. a fire-pit of a smith.
    2. an enclosed chamber or structure in which heat is produced, as by burning fuel, for warming a building, reducing ores and metals, etc.; a furnace.
    3. (fig.) any extremely hot place.
  19. ಕೊಲುಮೆ

    ♪ kolume
    1. = ಕೊಲಿಮೆ.
  20. ಕ್ಲೋಮ

    ♪ klōma
    1. either of the two spongelike respiratory organs in the thorax of vertebrates, that oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide from it; the lung.
    2. a saclike structure in many animals, serving for temporary storage of fluid or semifluid excretions, as urine; the urinary bladder.