the tree Ailanthus malabarica of Simaroubaceae family.
its resin, used as incense.
(vīr.) a service of carrying this resin to a deity.
the tree Agathis australis of Araucariaceae family.
its resin.
the tree Boswellia glabra of Burseraceae family; Indian olibanum.
a gum resin obtained from this, used in perfumes and as incense; olibanum.
the tree Commiphora mukul, ( = Balsamodendrum mukul) of Burseraceae family; bdellium tree.
a myrrh-like gum resin of this tree.
another tree of the same family Commiphora agallocha ( = Balsamodendrum roxburghii.
its resin used as incense.
the tree Dipterocarpous indicus ( = D. turbinatus) of Dipterocarpaceae family.
the tree Moringa oleifera ( = M. pterygosperma, = Hyperanthera moringa) of Moringaceae family; the drum-stick tree.
its slender, long fruit, used as vegetable.