1. ಗಿಲುಕಿ

    ♪ giluki
    1. = ಗಿಲಿಕೆ1.
  2. ಕಾಲಕ

    ♪ kālaka
    1. a small, congenital, dark spot, on the human skin; a mole.
    2. a large, reddish brown, glandular organ in vertebrates, located in the upper abdominal cavity and functioning in the secretion of bile and in essential metabolic processes; the liver.
  3. ಘಲಕ್

    ♪ ghalak
    1. = ಘಲ್‍ಘಲ್.
  4. ಕಲ್ಕ

    ♪ kalka
    1. a thick liquid in which relatively large number of small insoluble particles are in suspension and remain for long without getting settled to the bottom; gel; sol; emulsion.
    2. the breaking of a divine or moral law, either by a conscious or unconscious act; a religious flaw; a sin.
    3. dirt; filth; soil; defilement.
    4. undisollved particles settled to the bottom of a liquid; dreg; lees.
    5. a waxlike yellowish substance exuded by the ears; earwax; cerumen.
    6. a false statement made deliberately; a lie.
    7. a high opinion of oneself, often unduly exaggerated; pride; arrogance.
  5. ಕಲಕ

    ♪ kalaka
    1. the resultant thing of mixing; something mixed; a combination; a mixture of heterogenous things without any chemical reaction taking place between the components.
  6. ಕಲಿಕಿ

    ♪ kaliki
    1. (myth.) the tenth and last incarnation of Viṣṇu in his capacity of the destroyer as the wicked and liberator of the world from its enemies in the fourth of the four ages of the universe.
  7. ಕಲ್ಕಿ

    ♪ kalki
    1. the tenth incarnation of Viṣṇu, believed to happen for instituting a new age of purity and spiritual renewal, at the end of the current age i.e. Kaliyuga, the fourth of the four mythological ages.
  8. ಕಲಿಕಿ

    ♪ kaliki
    1. a beautiful woman.
  9. ಕಲುಕ

    ♪ kaluka
    1. a mixture, esp. adulterated one.
  10. ಕಲಗಿ

    ♪ kalagi
    1. a decorative thing fixed to a headgear or crown.
  11. ಕಲಿಕೆ

    ♪ kalike
    1. a small swelling or projection on a plant, from which a flower develops; a flower-bud.
    2. small flame at the end of a burning wick of a lamp.
    3. a fruit in its very early stage.
    4. a young leave or bunch of young leaves.
    5. a particular kind of prose.
  12. ಕಲ್ಕಿ

    ♪ kalki
    1. = ಕಲ್ಗಿ.
  13. ಕಲ್ಕೆ

    ♪ kalke
    1. the act, fact or process of learning, gaining knowledge.
    2. knowledge so got.
  14. ಕಲ್ಗಿ

    ♪ kalgi
    1. a kind of poetical conversation, in the form of a song, sung by a group of persons hailing the excellence of women over men (as a sport)[the counterpart of this hailing the excellence of men is turā].
    2. one of the two groups of people who sing this.
  15. ಕಲ್ಲಿಕೆ

    ♪ kallike
    1. the ornamental plant Celosia cristata of Amaranthaceae family, and red or yellow flower head somewhat like a roosteṛs crest; cockscomb.
  16. ಕಲಿಕೆ

    ♪ kalike
    1. the act or process of learning.
    2. acquaintance with facts; knowledge.
    3. great ability or proficiency; expertness that comes from training, practice, etc.
    4. the quality of mechanically repeating whatever is taught without understanding fully.
    5. (dial.) the skill in deception; craftiness.
  17. ಕಳಗ

    ♪ kaḷaga
    1. any of the small staffs or rods fixed on side beams on either sides of a bullock cart, to which a frame of bamboos is fixed.
  18. ಕಳಗ

    ♪ kaḷaga
    1. a particular manner of playing musical instruments.
  19. ಕಳಗ

    ♪ kaḷaga
    1. temporary loss of consciousness as from fatigue, mental shock, etc.
  20. ಕಲಕು

    ♪ kalaku
    1. a thick mixture of mud and water.
    2. the perturbed, agitated mind.
    3. ಕಲಕಾಗು kalakāgu (the mind) to get perturbed; to become agitated.