1. ಗತಿಶೀಲ

    ♪ gati śila
    1. tending to move (forward); capable of moving; being moved; moving.
    2. movable by some means.
    3. capable of changing rapidly or easily, as in response to different moods, feelings, conditions, needs or influences; flexible, adaptable, etc.
    4. energetic; vigorous; forceful.
  2. ಗತಿಶೀಲ

    ♪ gati śila
    1. a man who is active, striving or having the tendency to strive for progress, welfare or betterment.
  3. ಗತಿಶೀಲೆ

    ♪ gati śile
    1. a woman whois active, striving or having the tendency to strive for progress, welfare or betterment.