to cause to be seen; to allow to appear; to make visible; to show.
to come to be; to happen; to become.
to cause to come together, meet.
to be seen; to appear; to become visible.
to come or pass in the mind swiftly and suddenly; to be realised for an instant like a flash of light.
to know; to have clear perception or understanding of.
ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಡು kāṇisikoḍu to show; to cause to be shown; 2. to bring (something) to the notice of another or others; 3. to cause to come together, meet. ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ kāṇisikoḷ to be seen; to appear; to be found; to manifest.
to crop up (as a disease, problem, etc.).
(a boil, erruption etc.) to appear on the skin; to break out.
to meet; to come face to face.
to make something explicit, clear or distinct.