1. ಗಡಿಂಬ

    ♪ gaḍimba
    1. (hist.) a unit of measure of land area.
  2. ಕಡಂಬ

    ♪ kaḍamba
    1. the tree Anthocephalus indicus (= A. cadamba, = Nauclea cadamba) of Rubiaceae family; cadamba tree.
  3. ಕಡುಂಬು

    ♪ kaḍumbu
    1. a kind of pudding prepared with black gram or rice and cooked in steam.
  4. ಕುಟುಂಬ

    ♪ kuṭumba
    1. those people who can trace their descent from a common ancestor; a house, a lineage; a family.
    2. a social unit consisting of parents, children of a family.
    3. a woman as related to her husband; a wife.
    4. a scientific division of plants or animals, ranking above a genus and below an order; a family.
  5. ಕುಟುಂಬಿ

    ♪ kuṭumbi
    1. one who has a family.
    2. a man who looks after his family well.
    3. a man engaged in farming; a farmer; an agriculturist.
  6. ಕೊಟುಂಬ

    ♪ koṭumba
    1. those people who can trace their descent from a common ancestor; a house, a lineage; a family.
    2. a social unit consisting of parents, children of a family.
    3. a woman as related to her husband; a wife.
  7. ಕೊಡಂಬೆ

    ♪ koḍambe
    1. a bamboo or cane basket used to catch fish in flowing water; a fish-trap.
  8. ಗುಡುಂಬ

    ♪ guḍumba
    1. sliced mango, Indian goose berry (of Phyllanthus emblica), etc. kept in the sugar or jaggery syrup.
  9. ಗೂಡಂಬು

    ♪ gūḍambu'
    1. (collectively) a number of arrows shot as to fall on the target like a shower.
  10. ಗೋಡಂಬಿ

    ♪ gōḍambi
    1. the kidney-shaped nut of the tropical, evergreen tree Anacardium occidentale (family: Anacardiaceae); cashew nut.
  11. ಗೋಡಂಬೆ

    ♪ gōḍambe
    1. = ಗೋಡಂಬಿ.
  12. ಗೋಡುಂಬ

    ♪ gōḍumba
    1. the trailing vine Citrullus vulgaris of Cucurbitaceae family, water melon plant.
    2. its large, round or oblong, edible fruit with a hard, green rind and sweet, juicy, pink or red pulp containing many seeds; water melon.
    3. the perennial vine Citrullus colocynthis ( = Cucumis colocynthis) of Cucurbitaceae family; colocynth.
    4. its small, bitter fruit used in making a strong cathartic; colocynth.
  13. ಗೋಡುಂಬೆ

    ♪ gōḍumbe
    1. = ಗೋಡುಂಬ.