1. ಗಡಾ

    ♪ gaḍā
    1. (dial.) immediately; suddenly.
  2. ಖಟ

    ♪ khaṭa
    1. = ಖಟ್ಟ.
  3. ಕಡ

    ♪ kaḍa
    1. a shallow place in a stream, river, etc., where one can cross; a ford; a place or route of carriage over water; the place where a ferry docks on either shore; a ferry.
  4. ಕಾಟ

    ♪ kāṭa
    1. strong, pungent and stifling smell as of red chilly, tobacco, etc.
  5. ಕಾಟಾ

    ♪ kāṭā
    1. (dial.) an instrument for weighing; a balance.
  6. ಖಟ

    ♪ khaṭa
    1. any of various plants of the grass family that are usu. used for food, fodder or grazing and as lawns; grass.
    2. a deep, dark well, usu. without water.
    3. the thick, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous glands of the respiratory tract and discharged from the throat, as during a cold; phlegm.
    4. a small axe with a short handle, for use with one hand; a hatchet.
    5. an agricultural implement with a cutting blade fixed in a frame drawn usu. by draught animals, used to prepare the soil for sowing or planting, by cutting furrows in it and turning it up; a plough.
    6. the closed fist.
  7. ಕಡ

    ♪ kaḍa
    1. a flat, coarse fabric made of straw used as a floor covering or sitting on; a straw mat.
    2. the outskirts of a city or a town.
    3. a time; period of time; a season.
    4. the hip and loins; the hollow above the hips.
    5. the fleshy side of a person or animal between the ribs and the hip; the flank.
    6. a dead of a person; corpse.
    7. a place for the burial or cremation of the dead bodies; a cemetry; a crematory.
    8. a portable framework on which a corpse is carried.
    9. a long, broad, thick wooden board; a plank.
    10. a plant lasting or living only one year or season.
    11. The grass Saccharum sara (= S. munja) of Poaceae family.
    12. plentifulness; bountifulness; excessiveness; abundance.
    13. either of the flat surfaces alongside the forehead, in front of each ear of an elephant; the temples.
    14. either of the two bones or bony parts that hold the teeth and frame the mouth in most vertebrates; the jaw.
    15. a pointed straight missile to be shot from a bow; an arrow.
    16. a social convention carried on by tradition and enforced by social disapproval of any violation; a ustom.
    17. the fine, dustlike mass of grains that are produced in the anthers or microspore sacs of seed plants, containing the male sexual cells (gametophytes) of the plant; pollen.
  8. ಕಡ

    ♪ kaḍa
    1. a stretch of rising land at the edge of a body of water, esp. a river.
    2. a basin at the bottom of a tree or a levelled wet agricultural land with raised mound on all sides, for holding water.
  9. ಕಾಟ

    ♪ kāṭa
    1. the act or an instance of annoying; annoyance; a troubling or trouble; vexation.
    2. ಕಾಟಕೊಡು kāṭa koḍu to annoy; to trouble; to pester; to vex; ಕಾಟ ಹಾಕು kāṭa hāku to force or constrain, to do or restrain from from doing something; to compel.
  10. ಕಾಟ

    ♪ kāṭa
    1. an inhabitant of a forest; a forester.
    2. a man who lives by hunting; a hunter.
    3. a minor deity.
  11. ಕಠ

    ♪ kaṭha
    1. a man belonging to brāhmaṇa caste.
    2. the auditory sensation produced by vibrations in air, water, etc.; sound.
  12. ಕಾಟ

    ♪ kāṭa
    1. the garden lizard,with an angular head, prehensile tail, eyes that move independently of each other, and a long, agile tongue for catching prey, known for its changing colour; a chameleon.
  13. ಕಾಡ

    ♪ kāḍa
    1. a man dwelling in a forest; a forest-dweller.
    2. an unrefined, uncultured or uncivilised man.
  14. ಕಾಡ

    ♪ kāḍa
    1. the colour of charcoal; black colour.
  15. ಕಾಟ

    ♪ kāṭa
    1. immediately; without delay.
  16. ಕಡ

    ♪ kaḍa
    1. something lent, esp. a sum of money to be returned; a loan; the thing or money loaned.
    2. ಕಡ ಹುಟ್ಟಿ ಬಡವ ಕೆಟ್ಟ kaḍa huṭṭi baḍava keṭṭa hewho goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing; ಕಡ ಸಿಕ್ಕುವುದಾದರೆ, ಹಡಗೇ ನನಗಿರಲಿ kaḍa sikkuvudādare, haḍagē nanagirali borrowing tempts one to be always acquisitive.
  17. ಕಟ

    ♪ kaṭa
    1. the part at, toward or near either of the extremities of anything; tip; end.
  18. ಕಡ

    ♪ kaḍa
    1. a largedeer (Cervus unicolor) with coarse hair, a short, erectile mane, and three-pointed antlers; an Indian sambar.
  19. ಕಟ

    ♪ kaṭa
    1. a flat, coarse fabric made of straw used as a floor covering or to sit on; a straw mat.
    2. the outskirts of a city or town.
    3. a time; period of time; a season.
    4. the hip and loins; the hollow above the hips.
    5. the fleshy side of a person or animal between the ribs and the hip; the flank.
    6. the dead body of a person; corpse.
    7. a place for the burial or cremation of the dead bodies; a cemetry; a crematory.
    8. a portable framework on which a corpse is carried.
    9. a long, broad, thick wooden board; a plank.
    10. a plant lasting or living only one year or one season.
    11. The grass Saccharum sara (= S. munja) of Poaceae family.
    12. plentifulness; bountifulness; excessiveness; abundance.
    13. either of the flat surfaces alongside the forehead, in front of each ear of an elephant; the temples.
    14. either of the two bones or bony parts that hold the teeth and frame the mouth in most vertebrates; the jaw.
    15. a pointed straight missile to be shot from a bow; an arrow.
    16. a social convention carried on by tradition and any violation of which is disapproved by the social system; a custom.
    17. the fine, dust-like mass of grains that are produced in the anthers or microspore sacs of seed plants, containing the male sexual cells (gametophytes) of the plant; pollen.
  20. ಖಡ

    ♪ khaḍi
    1. a kind of sour liquid food made of buttermilk or curd with or without vegetables, used to mix with rice.
    2. any of various plants of the grass family that are usu. used for food, fodder or grazing and as lawns; grass.
    3. the act of breaking, dividing or disintegrating.