1. ಗಡಹ

    ♪ gaḍaha
    1. an opening in a wall or other structure, used as a doorway; an entrance.
  2. ಕಡಹ

    ♪ kaḍaha
    1. the art of making forms, sculpturing by chiselling stone, carving wood, modelling clay, casting metal, etc.; sculpture.
    2. the act of churning milk for getting butter.
  3. ಕಡಹ

    ♪ kaḍaha
    1. = ಕಡವ2.
  4. ಕಡಹ

    ♪ kaḍaha
    1. = ಕಡಹು2.
  5. ಕಡಾಹ

    ♪ kaḍāha
    1. = ಕಡಾಯ2.
  6. ಕಟಾಹ

    ♪ kaṭāha
    1. a large, round, metal (copper, brass, iron etc.) boiler.
    2. a hemisphere - a) any of the halves into which the celestial sphere is divided by either the celestial equator or the ecliptic; b) any of the halves of the earth either divided by the equator into the northern and southern hemispheres or by a meridian into the eastern hemisphere (containing Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia) and the western hemisphere (containing the Americas and Oceania).
    3. a kind of basket used to blow the chaff from grain by wind or forced current of air; a winnow.
    4. the act or an instance of two or more persons meeting, associating together.
    5. nearness; proximity.
    6. time; opportunity.
    7. the gourd of the vine Lagenaria vulgaris (= L. speciosa) of Cucurbitaceae family.
    8. the shell of a turtle.
    9. a hole or shaft sunk into the earth to tap an underground supply of water, gas, oil, etc.; a well.
    10. the infernal regions; hell.
    11. a young buffalo whose horns are just appearing.
    12. a frying pan.
  7. ಕಡಹ

    ♪ kaḍaha
    1. = ಕಡವ1.
  8. ಕಟಹ

    ♪ kaṭaha
    1. a huge wall enclosing a town, palace, etc.; a fort-wall.
    2. a place where dead bodies are buried or burnt; cemetery.
  9. ಕಡುಹು

    ♪ kaḍuhu
    1. a small round ball-like compressed mixture of medicinal substances; a tablet.
  10. ಕಡೆಹ

    ♪ kaḍeha
    1. the act of beating, stirring or shaking (milk, curd, etc.) to form butter; churning.
    2. the act of shaping wood, metal rod, ivory, etc. into a required shape by turning it rapidly on a lathe against the edge of a cutting or abrading tool.
  11. ಕಾಡುಹ

    ♪ kāḍuha
    1. the act or an instance of troubling, vexing; harassment; annoyance.
  12. ಕುಟ್ಟುಹ

    ♪ kuṭṭuha
    1. the act of pulverising, powdering.
  13. ಕುಡಿಹ

    ♪ kuḍiha
    1. = ಕುಡಿತ.
  14. ಕುಡಿಹಿ

    ♪ kuḍihi
    1. a man who habitually or to excess drinks alcoholic liquor; a habitual drunkard.
    2. (in gen.) a man who drinks.
    3. an unintelligent, slow-witted, foolish man.
  15. ಕುಡುಹಿ

    ♪ kuḍuhi
    1. a man who drinks alcoholic liquor as a matter of habit or to excess; a habitual drunkard.
    2. (in gen.) a man who drinks.
    3. an unintelligent, slow-witted, foolish man.
  16. ಕುಡುಹು

    ♪ kuḍuhu
    1. = ಕುಡುಪು.
  17. ಕೂಡುಹ

    ♪ kūḍuha
    1. the act or an instance of (two or more things, people) joining together; an assemblage.
  18. ಕೆಡಹು

    ♪ keḍahu
    1. = ಕೆಡವು.
  19. ಕೆಡುಹ

    ♪ keḍuha
    1. the fact or an instance of being spoiled, destroyed, decayed.
  20. ಕೊಡಹು

    ♪ koḍahu
    1. = ಕೊಡವು.