1. ಗಡಪ್

    ♪ gaḍap
    1. = ಗಡಪ್ಪು.
  2. ಕಡಪ

    ♪ kaḍapa
    1. the art of making forms, sculpturing by chiselling stone, carving wood, modelling clay, casting metal, etc.; sculpture.
  3. ಕಟ್ಟೊಪ್ಪ

    ♪ kaṭṭoppa
    1. the quality or state of being very elegant or highly tidy.
  4. ಕಡಿಪು

    ♪ kaḍipu
    1. to cause to cut or kill.
  5. ಕಡಿಪು

    ♪ kaḍipu
    1. the quality or fact of having a sharp rise or highly inclined slope; steepness; precipitousness.
  6. ಕಡುಪು

    ♪ kaḍupu
    1. intensity, the quality or state of being a) vigorous, directed sharply to a single point, area or subject; b) producing intensity; c) giving force or emphasis, 2) that which causes mental pain as anger, anxiety, excitement, etc.
    2. a longing or craving.
    3. the speed, force of an action.
    4. a strong interest or admiration; great eagerness; enthusiasm.
    5. great valour, courage or bravery.
    6. the quality or fact of being dense, thick or crowded.
  7. ಕಡೆಪ

    ♪ kaḍepa
    1. = ಕಡೆತ.
  8. ಕಾಡಿಪ್ಪೆ

    ♪ kāḍippe
    1. the tree Madhuca indica (= Bassia latifolia) of Sapotaceae family; Indian butter tree.
    2. another tree, Madhuca longifolia (= Bassialongifolia) of the same family; honey tree.
  9. ಕಾಡುಪೆ

    ♪ kāḍupe
    1. the plant Lepisanthes deficiens of Sapindaceae family.
  10. ಕಿಡಿಪು

    ♪ kiḍipu
    1. = ಕಿಡಿಸು.
  11. ಕುಟಪ

    ♪ kuṭapa
    1. a kitchen garden.
    2. a sage; an ascetic.
    3. a lotus flower.
  12. ಕುಡಿಪು

    ♪ kuḍipu
    1. = ಕುಡಿತ.
  13. ಕುಡುಪು

    ♪ kuḍupu
    1. the quality or condition of being bent; crookedness.
    2. a slender stick strung along its length with horsehairs, drawn across the strings of a violin, cello, etc. to play it; a bow.
    3. a curved stick to play some percussion instruments, by beating or rubbing on.
    4. a slender, small stick used to apply collyrium on to the eyes.
    5. an iron bar used to make a mark on the skin by burning with.
    6. a stick or bar used in dressing cotton.
  14. ಕೆಡಪ

    ♪ keḍapa
    1. (dial.) a kind of poisonous (?) snake.
  15. ಕೆಡಪು

    ♪ keḍapu
    1. = ಕೆಡವು.
  16. ಕೊಡಪು

    ♪ koḍapu
    1. to shake (a piece of cloth, bag, etc.) off vehemently as to take the dust out.
    2. to remove; to take off.
    3. to churn (curd) to make butter.
    4. (dial.) to peck; to sting; to bite.
  17. ಗಡಪು

    ♪ gaḍapu
    1. = ಗಡಪ್ಪು.
  18. ಗಡಪ್ಪು

    ♪ gaḍappu
    1. a ceasing to be seen; disappearance.
    2. the act or fact of using another's or public money in a fraudulent manner.
  19. ಗೆಡಪ

    ♪ geḍapa
    1. idle chatter; childish babble or senseless talking.
    2. the sound uttered by a parrot in imitation of human speech.
  20. ಘಾಟುಪ್ಪು

    ♪ ghāṭuppu
    1. ammonium carbonate; sal volatile; harts-horn.