1. ಗಡಗೆ

    ♪ gaḍage
    1. a round vessel of any size, made of earthenware, with a small mouth, used for holding liquids; a pot.
    2. a pot-shaped, round wooden piece placed between the top of a pillar and a beam of a building.
  2. ಕಾಡಗೆ

    ♪ kāḍage
    1. fine soot produced by the incomplete combustion of oils and other forms of carbon; lampblack.
    2. a medicated eye-wash; collyrium.
    3. anything that is black.
    4. the black earth; a black soil region.
  3. ಕಡಗೆ

    ♪ kaḍage
    1. a burden either bundled or packed in a big bag.
  4. ಗಾಡಗೆ

    ♪ gāḍage
    1. a round vessel with a small, round mouth, for carrying water; (?).
  5. ಕಟಕ

    ♪ kaṭaka
    1. any of numerous ten-footed crustaceans having the first pair of legs modified as pincers; a crab.
    2. the zodiacal sign or constellation Cancer; the Crab.
  6. ಗಡಕ

    ♪ gaḍaka
    1. a sort of fish with gilt-head or golden coloured body.
  7. ಖಡ್ಗ

    ♪ khaḍga
    1. a hand weapon having a long, sharp-pointed blade, with a sharp edge on one or both sides, set in a hilt; a broadsword.
    2. any of large, heavy, thick-skinned, plant-eating, perissodactylous mammals of Rhinocerotidae family of tropical Africa and Asia, with one or two upright horns on the snout; a rhinoceros.
    3. (myth.) one of the eight hells.
    4. (rhet.) a poetry written in the shape of a sword.
    5. (vīr.) a hymn in praise of Vīrabhadra, the promnient destroying power of Śiva.
    6. ಖಡ್ಗ ಹೇಳು khaḍga hēḷu to praise Vīrabhadra, one of the chief attendants of Śiva, holding a sword in the hand.
  8. ಕಟಕ

    ♪ kaṭaka
    1. the systematic and rhythmic pronunciation of the sounds of a percussion instrument used in Karnāṭaka music.
  9. ಕಾಟಕ

    ♪ kāṭaka
    1. a man who annoys, inflicts troubles; a harasser.
  10. ಕಾಟಕ

    ♪ kāṭaka
    1. = ಕಾಟ1 (?).
  11. ಕಡಗ

    ♪ kaḍaga
    1. a kind of tree.
  12. ಕಡಕ

    ♪ kaḍaka
    1. = ಕಡಗ - 1 & 2.
  13. ಕಟಕ

    ♪ kaṭaka
    1. = ಕಟಕು1.
  14. ಗಟಕ

    ♪ gaṭaka
    1. a man who organises, brings in to being or makes (something) happen; an organiser.
  15. ಕಡಕ

    ♪ kaḍaka
    1. strong - a) governing or leading with firm authority; authoritarian; b) intense in degree or quality; not mild.
  16. ಕಡಗ

    ♪ kaḍaga
    1. a groove made on wood or stone (as in sculpture).
  17. ಕಟಕ

    ♪ kaṭaka
    1. a metal ornamental band or chain worn around the wrist; a bracelet.
    2. a capital - a city or town that is the official seat of government of a state; b) an important city where a certain industry, activity, etc. is centred.
    3. the slope of a mountain.
    4. the land by the side of a mountain.
    5. a group of people; a multitude.
    6. an organised military force armed for fighting esp. on land; an army.
    7. the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its land masses; a sea.
    8. either of the two fleshy protuberances on the lower rear part of the human body; the posterior.
    9. the state of being excessive; excessiveness; abundance.
    10. a long pointed tooth, esp. protruding from a closed mouth, as in the elephant, walrus, etc.; a tusk.
    11. an ornamental ring for the tusk of an elephant.
    12. salt produced by evaporating sea water; sea-salt.
    13. light, accompanied by heat, from the sun; sunlight.
    14. the string of an archeṛs bow; a bow-string.
    15. a large wasp, Vespa crabro, with a brown and yellow striped body, and capable of inflicting a severe sting; a hornet.
    16. the capital city of erstwhile Orissa, a state in east India.
    17. a circular frame or disc arranged to revolve on an axle and used to facilitate the motion of a vehicle or for various mechanical purposes; a wheel.
  18. ಕಡಗ

    ♪ kaḍaga
    1. an ornamental metal (esp. of gold or silver) band or chain worn around the wrist; a bracelet.
    2. an ornament or fetter worn round the ankle; an anklet.
    3. the religious status of a woman whose husband is alive.
    4. ಕಡಗ ಕಾಯು kaḍaga kāyu (fig.) to protect a married woman's auspicious status in the society, by protecting her husband.
  19. ಕಾಟಕ

    ♪ kāṭaka
    1. = ಕಾಟ2 - 2.
  20. ಘಟಕ

    ♪ ghaṭaka
    1. tending to achieve; exerting oneself; striving for; bringing about.
    2. forming a constituent part; constituent.