1. ಗಂತ್ರಿ

    ♪ gantri
    1. a carriage drawn by a bullock or a pair of bullocks.
  2. ಕಂದಾರಿ

    ♪ kandāri
    1. a country in south central Asia, between Iran and Pakistan with Kabul as its capital; Afghanistan.
    2. a native or inhabitant of Afghanistan.
  3. ಕಂತ್ರಿ

    ♪ kantri
    1. a person who cheats or commits fraud; a cheat; a fraud.
    2. that which belongs to, made in country-side.
  4. ಕಂಥಾರಿ

    ♪ kanthāri
    1. the shrub Capparis sepiaria (= C. grandiflora) of Capparaceae family; caper shrub.
  5. ಗಾಂಧಾರಿ

    ♪ gāndhāri
    1. the plant Blumea lacera of Glandulosa family.
    2. (arch.) name of a musical mode.
  6. ಕಂತ್ರಿ

    ♪ kantri
    1. rustic - a) lacking refinement, elegance, polish or sophistication; b) rough, awkward, uncouth or boorish.
    2. bad - a) effective in quality; below standard; b) wicked; immoral; not behaving properly; mischievous; c) causing injury; harmful.
    3. base - a) of a menial or degrading kind; b) contemptible; mean; ignoble.
  7. ಕಂದರಿ

    ♪ kandari
    1. a hollow place inside the earth, usu. an opening, as in a hillside, extending back horizontally; a cave.
  8. ಕಂದಾರಿ

    ♪ kandāri
    1. of Afghanistan, its people, its language or culture.
  9. ಗಾಂತ್ರಿ

    ♪ gāntri
    1. a carriage drawn by an ox or oxen.
  10. ಕಂಧರ

    ♪ kandhara
    1. a visible mass of condensed watery vapour floating in the atmosphere high above the general level of the ground; cloud.
    2. a kind of grass.
    3. the part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders; the neck.
  11. ಕಂದರ

    ♪ kandara
    1. that part of a human or animal joining the head to the body; the neck.
  12. ಕಂದರ

    ♪ kandara
    1. a stretch of low land lying between hills or mountains; a valley.
    2. a hollow place inside the earth, usu. an opening, as in a hillside, extending back horizontally; a cave.
    3. a deep, narrow pass between steep heights; a gorge.
    4. an elephant driveṛs hook to urge and control it.
    5. the dried aromatic rhizome of Zingiber officinale of Zingeraceae family, used as a spice or perfume and in medicine.
  13. ಕಾಂತಾರ

    ♪ kāntāra
    1. a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth; a forest.
    2. a road that is difficult to traverse.
    3. a small excavation, pit; a hole; a cavity.
    4. a variety in sugarcane; red sugar cane.
    5. the tree mountain ebony.
    6. the grass Bambusa arundinacae of Poaceae family; spiny bamboo.
    7. any of the lotus plant and its flower.
    8. any circumstance, event or condition that accompanies something and indicates its existence or occurrence; sign; indication; a symptom.
    9. a difficult, harsh or unpleasant word.
  14. ಗಂತೃ

    ♪ gantř
    1. a person who travels; a traveller.
  15. ಗಂದರ

    ♪ gandara
    1. a member of a class of gods; a celestial singer.
    2. the class itself.
  16. ಗಾಂಧಾರ

    ♪ gāndhāra
    1. name of a country, in the present Afghanistan.
    2. Kandahar, a prominent city in that country.
    3. a man belonging to that country.
    4. the third of the seven notes in an octave of Karnāṭaka and Hindustāni music systems, approximately corresponding to the 'E' of C Major.
    5. red oxide of lead, Pb3O4, derived from massicot, used in making paint, in glassmaking, etc.; the red-lead.
    6. a fragrant, bitter-tasting gum resin exuded from Commiphora trees, used in making incense, perfume, etc.; gum myrrh.
  17. ಕಂದುರಿ

    ♪ kanduri
    1. a kind of thick liquid made by boiling sugar in water.
  18. ಕಂದೂರಿ

    ♪ kandūri
    1. a Muslim festival.
  19. ಕಂದೆರೆ

    ♪ kandere
    1. to open one's eyes; to see.
    2. (fig.) to come into existence; to be born; to be in the very initial stage.
    3. (fig.) to realise the fact.
  20. ಕುಂದುರು

    ♪ kunduru
    1. = ಕುಂದು4.