1. ಖೋ

    ♪ khō
    1. the loud screaming sound (as from pain, sudden attack, etc.).
    2. a sound imitating it.
  2. ಕೊ

    ♪ ko
    1. abbr. for koḷaga, a measure of eight or ten seers.
  3. ಗೋ

    ♪ gō
    1. the mature female of domestic cattle of the genus Bos.
    2. the mature male of domestic cattle; an ox.
    3. the sun.
    4. the moon.
    5. any of the luminous celestial objects in the sky; a star.
    6. any of the thin lines or beams, of light that appear to come from a bright source; a ray of light.
    7. the apparent blue arch over the earth; the sky.
    8. heaven or the celestial regions.
    9. the planet that we live on; the earth.
    10. a natural raised part of the earth's surface, usu. rising more or less abruptly; a hill or mountain.
    11. a woody perennial plant with one main stem or trunk which develops many branches, usu. at some height above the ground; a tree.
    12. water.
    13. a ridge or swell moving along the surface of a liquid or body of water as a result of disturbance, as by wind; a wave.
    14. any of a class (Aves) of warmblooded, two-legged, egg-laying vertebrates with feathers and wings; a bird.
    15. any of several gallinaceous birds of the genera Pavo, the male of which is distinguished by its long, erectile, greenish, iridescent tail coverts that are brilliantly marked with ocellated spots and that can be spread in a fan; the pea-fowl.
    16. (myth.) any of the regents or guardians of the quarters of the world.
    17. the Hindu Goddess of Learning and Speech; Sarasvati.
    18. something that is spoken; an utterance; a speech.
    19. the organ of sight; the eye.
    20. the front or under part of a vertebrate body from the breastbone to the pelvis, containing the abdominal viscera; the abdomen; the belly.
    21. hair growing on the body.
    22. one of the bony, permanent, hollow paired growths, often curved and pointed, that project from the upper part of the head of certain ungulate mammals, as cattle, sheep, goats, antelopes, etc.; a horn.
    23. the region of any of the principal points of the compass or divisions of the horizon; a quarter or direction.
    24. a slender, straight, usu. pointed, missile to be shot from a bow and equipped with feathers at the end of the shaft near the nock, for controlling flight; an arrow.
    25. (myth.) the weapon of Indra, the chief of gods, that can even split mountains.
    26. any of the sense organs of the body.
  4. ಕೋ

    ♪ kō
    1. to string (pearls, beads, et.) on or as on a thread; to thread.
    2. to put, insert (something) through.
    3. to force (a sharp instrument, weapon, etc.) into or through; to pierce; to stab; to penetrate.
    4. to bind (with a rope, string, wire, etc.).
    5. to be captured; to be seized.
    6. to join another; to be associated with.
  5. ♪ ka
    1. Brahma, the Creator of the universe.
    2. Viṣṇu, one of the Hindu Trinities.
    3. Manmatha, the Love-God.
    4. fire or the Fire-God; Agni.
    5. wind or the Wind-God, Vāyu.
    6. the Death-God, Yama.
    7. the sun; the Sun-God.
    8. the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, commonly regarded as immortal; the soul.
    9. a male sovereign, esp. the hereditary ruler of an independent state; a king.
    10. a male offspring of a king; a prince.
    11. a person who practises severe self-discipline and abstains from all forms of pleasure, esp. for religious or spiritual reasons; an ascetic yogi.
    12. a man having or showing relatively higher intelligence.
    13. a human being in which both male and female sex organs are present or in which the sex organs contain both ovarian and testicular tissue; a hermaphrodite.
    14. a male peafowl, having brilliant plumage and a tail (with eyelike markings) or its female; a peacock or peahen.
    15. a tropical bird of the order Psittaciformes, with a short hooked bill, often having vivid plumage and sometimes able to mimic the human voice; parrot.
    16. the physical structure of a person or an animal; the body.
    17. an organ of sense.
    18. the upper part of the human body or the foremost or upper part of an animaḷs body, containing the brain; the head.
    19. the organ of sight; the eye.
    20. the apparent canopy over our heads; the sky.
    21. water.
    22. a place regarded as the abode of gods, and of the good after death, supposed to be in upper regions of the universe; the Heaven.
    23. the condition of having pleasure or contentment; happiness.
    24. duration or continuation of time.
    25. riches; abundant possessions; opulence; wealth.
    26. esoteric meaning; secret.
    27. the figure 0; nought; zero.
  6. ಕಾ

    ♪ kā
    1. to watch over and defend or protect from harm; to guard from or against.
    2. to keep watch by (a door etc.) so as to control entry or exit.
    3. to supervise (prisoners etc.) and prevent from escaping; to keep watch (cattle, sheep etc. while grazing).
    4. to stay in a place or remain in readiness or in anticipation (until something expected happens or for someone to arrive or catch up); to wait.
    5. to be, remain or delay in expectation or anticipation of; await.
    6. to be ready or at hand.
    7. to be eager to do (something).
    8. to keep (something) from otherś knowledge.
    9. to excuse or forgive (a person for some fault).
    10. ಕಾದಿಡು kādiḍu to keep back, store up or set apart for later use or for some special purpose; to reserve; ಕಾದುಕೊಂಡಿರು kādukoṇḍiru to keep oneself waiting (for); 2. to take care of another or something as a care-taker; 3. to wait for a right opportunity.
  7. ♪ ka
    1. (gen. pronounced with the vowel 'ಅ') the fifteenth letter of Kannaḍa alphabet and the first consonant.
  8. ♪ ka
    1. (abbr. form of ಕಮ್ಮ) an old unit of measure of land area.
  9. ♪ gha
    1. (gen. pronounced with the vowel 'a') the eighteenth letter of Kannaḍa alphabet and the fourth consonant.
  10. ♪ ga
    1. (pros.) the symbol for a long syllable (-).
    2. the third note in the ascending scale in Indian classical music systems (corresponding to "E" of C-Major of western system).
    3. an abbreviation used (in inscriptions) as a symbol for "gadyāṇa' , an ancient monetary currency.
    4. (dial.) arrogance; conceit; haughtiness; ಶ್ರೀ ಒಣಗಿದೆ ಗ ಬಚ್ಚಿದೆ sri oṇagide, ga baccide (prov.) (his) arrogance has become less severe as his wealth waned.
  11. ♪ kha
    1. (gen. pronounced with the vowel 'a') the sixteenth letter of Kannaḍa alphabet and the second consonant.
  12. ♪ kha
    1. the area apparently above the earth where clouds, the sun, the moon, etc. are seen; the sky.
    2. any of the specialised parts of the body for sensing, feeling etc. of the outer experience; a sense organ.
    3. knowledge, experience perceived through any of the sense organs; perception.
    4. that which thinks, perceives, feels, wills, etc.; seat or subject of consciousness; the faculty of memory; the mind.
    5. the Creator in Hindu mythology; Brahma.
    6. the world of gods; the heaven.
    7. a piece of cleared land, set off or enclosed, for raising crops; an agricultural field; a farm-land.
    8. a device used to keep the door from being opened; a lock; a bolt.
    9. a person who leads a life of contemplation and rigorous self-denial for religious purposes; an ascetic.
    10. total emptiness; an empty space or vacuum; void.
    11. the symbol or numeral 0, a cipher, naught; a zero.
    12. any of numerous reptiles constituting the suborder Ophidia, characterised by elongated cylindrical limbless bodies, tapering tails, and smooth scaly skins, many of whom are venomous; a snake.
    13. (myth.) Viṣṇu, one of the three major Hindu gods, regarded as the supreme being and saviour.
    14. a symbol for the number two.
    15. a centre of population, larger or more important than a town or village; a city.
    16. a hole; an opening; an aperture.
    17. an injury to the body in which the skin or other tissue is broken, cut, pierced, torn, etc.; a wound.
    18. a pleased feeling; the condition of being so; pleasure; happiness.
  13. ♪ ga
    1. (gen. pronounced with the vowel 'a') the seventeenth letter of Kannaḍa alphabet and the third consonant.
  14. ಗೇ

    ♪ gē
    1. to do, perform (an action etc.) to carry out; to fulfil.
    2. to cultivate - a) to prepare and use (soil or land) for growing crops; to till; b) to break up the surface soil around (plants) in order to destroy weeds, prevent crusting, and preserve moisture; c) to grow (plants or crops) from seeds, bulbs, shoots, etc.
  15. ಗೈ

    ♪ gai
    1. = ಗೇಯು.
  16. ಘೇ

    ♪ ghē
    1. well done! very good! excellent!: bravo!; (used in praising a performer).
  17. ಕೀ

    ♪ kī
    1. to produce pus in infections.
    2. (puss) to form.
  18. ಕೀ

    ♪ kī
    1. a thin, long sound as of certain birds, pigs, etc.; a sound imitating it.
  19. ಕು

    ♪ ku
    1. the planet on which we live; the earth.
  20. ಕೂ

    ♪ kū
    1. the sound made by a bird; a birḍs cry.
    2. a sound imitating it.