1. ಖೊಳಂಬ

    ♪ khoḷamba
    1. a stoppage of work.
  2. ಕೊಳಂಬ

    ♪ koḷamba
    1. a stoppage of work.
  3. ಕಳಂಬ

    ♪ kaḷamba
    1. the tree Anthocephalus indicus (= A. cadamba, = Nauclea cadamba) of Rubiaceae family; cadamba tree.
    2. a stem of a leaf in a plant.
    3. a shaft with a pointed end on one side and the feather end on the other, used as a missile, shot from a bow; an arrow.
    4. a ruddy goose.
    5. any of several large-bodied, web-footed waterfowl with a long, graceful neck and, typically, pure white feathers; a swan.
    6. a red lotus-flower.
  4. ಕಳುಂಬು

    ♪ kaḷumbu
    1. the act of being damaged, injured or spoiled; an instance of (a thing) becoming useless.
  5. ಕೊಳಂಬು

    ♪ koḷambu
    1. = ಕೊಳಂಬ.
  6. ಗಳಿಂಬ

    ♪ gaḷimba
    1. a unit of measure of land area.
  7. ಗುಳಂಬ

    ♪ guḷamba
    1. sliced mango, Indian goose berry (of Phyllanthus emblica), etc. kept in the sugar or jaggery syrup.