1. ಖೊದಾ

    ♪ khodā
    1. the Supreme God.
  2. ಖೋತಾ

    ♪ khōtā
    1. = ಖೋತ1.
    2. ಖೋತಾ ಆಯವ್ಯಯ khōtā āyavyaya the practice of seeking to stimulate a nation's economy by increasing government expenditures beyond revenue sources, which is financed by borrowing; deficit financing; deficit budget.
  3. ಕೋತಾ

    ♪ kōtā
    1. = ಕೋತ2.
    2. ಕೋತಾ ಆಯವ್ಯಯ kōtā āyavyaya the practice of seeking to stimulate a nation's economy by increasing government expenditures beyond revenue sources, which is financed by borrowing; deficit financing; deficit budget; ಕೋತಾ ಬಜೆಟ್ಟು kotā bajeṭṭu = ಕೋತಾ ಆಯವ್ಯಯ.
  4. ಗೋದ

    ♪ gōda
    1. = ಗೋಧ - 1.
  5. ಗೋದ

    ♪ gōda
    1. a man suffering from a disease characterised by swollen testicles.
  6. ಕೋತ

    ♪ kōta
    1. one of the Dravidian languages, spoken by a tribe in Nīlagiri hills, in Tamil Naḍu.
    2. a man belonging to that tribe.
  7. ಖೋತ

    ♪ khōta
    1. an official who is in charge of collecting revenue from a village on behalf of the government; a man who works so on contract basis.
  8. ಖೋತ

    ♪ khōta
    1. the act of reducing the size; an abridging.
    2. the amount by which a sum of money is less than the required amount, esp. an excess of liabilities over assets, of losses over profits or of expenditure over income.
  9. ಗೋತ

    ♪ gōta
    1. the urine of a cow.
  10. ಗೋತ

    ♪ gōta
    1. a dip or turning upside down (as of a bird, paper-kite, etc.).
    2. the fact or an instance of a business incurring loss.
    3. (fig.) a failure in an examination.
  11. ಗೋದ

    ♪ gōda
    1. the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of grey and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions; the brain.
  12. ಗೋಧ

    ♪ gōdha
    1. a harmless, moderate-sized, tropical lizard, Iguana tuberculata of Iguanidae family, having a row of spines from neck to tail, which is known for its grip and used in scaling forts, and which feeds on insects or vegetation; the common iguana.
    2. a leather guard fastened round the left arm to prevent injury from the bow-string.
    3. any of the inelastic cords of tough, fibrous connective tissue in which muscle fibres end and by which muscles are attached to bones or other parts; a sinew; a tendon.
  13. ಕೋತ

    ♪ kōta
    1. = ಕೋತ್ತು.
  14. ಕೋತ

    ♪ kōta
    1. the act of reducing, abridging.
    2. the amount by which a sum of money is less than the required amount; specif., an excess of liabilities over assets, of losses over profits or of expenditure over income.
  15. ಖಾತ

    ♪ khāta
    1. the place where the earth is dug, excavated; a trench; moat; a defensive ditch around a castle.
  16. ಕತ

    ♪ kata
    1. the reddish-brown or reddish-yellow coating formed on iron or steel by oxidation, as during exposure to air and moisture; any coating or film formed on any other metal by oxidation or corrosion; rust.
  17. ಖಾತ

    ♪ khāta
    1. an artificial pond or water-tank.
  18. ಖತ್ತ

    ♪ khatta
    1. = ಖತ.
  19. ಕತ

    ♪ kata
    1. deep or intense sorrow; grief.
  20. ಖಾತ

    ♪ khāta
    1. (said of soil) turned up; dug; excavated.