1. ಖುಷ್ಕಿ

    ♪ khuṣki
    1. a farm land fed by rain water (as opp. to irrigated land).
  2. ಕುಷ್ಕಿ

    ♪ kuṣki
    1. a farm-land fed by rain water (as opp. to irrigated land).
  3. ಕಿಷ್ಕು

    ♪ kiṣku
    1. of low, inferior, mean, base quality; vile; contemptible.
  4. ಕಿಷ್ಕು

    ♪ kiṣku
    1. the part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist; the fore-arm.
    2. the length of the arm from the end of the middle finger to the elbow, an ancient unit of linear measure of 18 to 22 inches (45.4 to 55.5 cm.); a cubit.
    3. (Jain.) a measure of two cubits (about 36 to 44 inches or 90.8 to 111.0 cm.) 4) the distance between from the tip of the small finger to the tip of the thumb when stretched apart, used as a unit of liner measure.
  5. ಕುಶಿಕ

    ♪ kuśika
    1. the share or cutting blade of a plough; a plough-share.
    2. the father of the Vedic sage Viśvāmitra.
  6. ಕುಷಾಕು

    ♪ kuṣāku
    1. the sun.
    2. fire.
    3. an ape; a monkey.
  7. ಕೇಶಿಕ

    ♪ kēśika
    1. a man having much or handsome hair.
  8. ಕೈಶಿಕ

    ♪ kaiśika
    1. lush hair.
    2. the sentiment of love; sexual desire; lust.
  9. ಕೈಶಿಕಿ

    ♪ kaiśiki
    1. the graceful style that suits especially the dealing of passion of love; one of the four varieties of dramatic style.
    2. one of the modes of old system of music.
  10. ಕೋಶಿಕೆ

    ♪ kōśike
    1. a drinking vessel.
  11. ಕೌಶಿಕ

    ♪ kauśika
    1. Viśvāmitra, a famous vedic sage, the seer of the most sacred Gāyatri hymn.
    2. any of a worldwide order (Strigiformes) of predatory night birds distinguished by a large, flat face, eyes surrounded by stiff-feathered disks, a short, hooked beak, feathered legs with sharp talons, and soft plumage which permits noiseless flight; an owl.
    3. Indra, the god of heaven.
    4. the tree Commiphora mukul ( = Balsamodendron mukul) of Burseraceae family.
    5. a myrrhlike gum resin yielded by this tree.
    6. an entertainer who seems to hypnotise snakes by means of movements or music; a snake-charmer.
    7. a person, thing or event that causes astonishment and admiration; a wonder; a marvel.
    8. the mouth of a snake.
    9. a silk cloth.
    10. the moon.
    11. a person who writes or compiles a dictionary; a lexicographer.
    12. the soft, vascular, fatty tissue that fills the cavities of most bones.
    13. the sentiment of love (as expressed in a literary work or dance).
    14. a man who identifies hidden treasure (by a magical method).
    15. Śiva.
  12. ಕೌಶಿಕಿ

    ♪ kauśiki
    1. a musical mode.
  13. ಕೌಶಿಕೆ

    ♪ kauśike
    1. a drinking vessel.
    2. a river in north India, tributary to Gangā.
    3. expertness in lexicography.
  14. ಘೋಷಕ

    ♪ ghōṣaka
    1. a man who proclaims, announces (publicly); a herald.
  15. ಕಾಶಿಕೆ

    ♪ kāśike
    1. a kind of jasmine plant.
    2. its flower.