1. ಖಾಕಿ

    ♪ khāki
    1. dull brownish yellow.
  2. ಖಾಕಿ

    ♪ khāki
    1. the dull brownish yellow colour.
    2. strong, twilled cloth of this color, used esp. for military uniforms.
  3. ಖಾಖಿ

    ♪ khākhi
    1. = ಖಾಕಿ2.
  4. ಕಾಗಿ

    ♪ kāgi
    1. a female crow (genus Corvus, family Corvidae).
  5. ಕಾಕಿ

    ♪ kāki
    1. a female crow.
    2. the quality of singing in shrill voice, considered as a fault.
    3. a person singing in a shrill voice.
  6. ಖಾಖಿ

    ♪ khākhi
    1. = ಖಾಕಿ1.
  7. ಕಾಕಿ

    ♪ kāki
    1. the plant Plectronia parviflora (= Canthium parviflorum) of Rubiaceae family, a thorny shrub.
    2. the plant Solanum nigrum of Solanaceae family, with black, yellow or red berries.
    3. the plant Cassia fistula of Caesalpiniaceae family.
  8. ಕಾಕಿ

    ♪ kāki
    1. strong, twilled cloth of dull yellowish brown colour, used esp. for military and police uniforms; khaki.
  9. ಕಾಕಿ

    ♪ kāki
    1. the wife of an younger brother of one's father.
  10. ಕಾಕೀ

    ♪ kākī
    1. = ಕಾಕಿ4.
  11. ಗಾಕ

    ♪ gāka
    1. a wicked man.
  12. ಕಾಕಾ

    ♪ kākā
    1. one's liking; inclination.
    2. a resting on the integrity, trust, faith.
    3. close familiarity; intimate feeling; intimacy.
    4. ಕಾಕಾಪುಡಿ kākāpuḍi =(correctly) ಕಾಕಾಹಿಡಿ; ಕಾಕಾಹಿಡಿ kākāhiḍi (fig.) to propitiate; to render favourable; to work or to offer submissively just to please another; to try too hard to please some one in important position; ಕಾಕಾಹೊಡೆ kākāhoḍe = (correctly) ಕಾಕಾಹಿಡಿ.
  13. ಕಾಕಾ

    ♪ kākā
    1. the younger brother of one's father; paternal uncle.
  14. ಕಾಕ

    ♪ kāka
    1. the younger brother of one's father; paternal uncle.
  15. ಕಾಕ

    ♪ kāka
    1. a number of Māpiḷḷai community of Malabar area.
  16. ಕಾಕ

    ♪ kāka
    1. a moderately large blace bird of the genus Corvus.
    2. (fig.) a despicable man; a contemptible fellow.
    3. (in Rāmāyaṇa) a demon slain by Rāma.
    4. the tree Ziziphus glabrata (= Z. trinerva) of Rhamnaceae family.
    5. a lame man; a man with a defective leg.
    6. a sectarial mark on the forehead.
  17. ಖಗ

    ♪ khaga
    1. that which moves, seem to move or believed to move in the sky - as a bird, an arrow, a deity, the sun; etc. 2) a building where a person normally lives in; a house.
  18. ಕಕ್ಕೆ

    ♪ kakke
    1. (dial.) the sediments that settles at the bottom after heated oil is allowed to cool.
  19. ಕಕ್ಕಿ

    ♪ kakki
    1. one's father's younger brother's wife.
    2. one's mothers younger sister.
  20. ಕಕ್ಕೆ

    ♪ kakke
    1. the tree Cassia fistula (= Carthartocarpus fistula) of Caesalpiniaceae family, with yellow flowers and long round legumes; Indian laburnum.
    2. the tree Pithecellobium bigeminum of Mimosaceae family.