1. ಖಸಖಸಿ

    ♪ khasaKhasi
    1. the plant Papaver somniferum of Papaveraceae family, with grayish-green leaves and large, white or purple flowers, the source of opium; opium poppy.
    2. the seed of this plant, contains such alkaloids as morphine, codeine, and papaverine, and is used as an intoxicant and medicinally to relieve pain and produce sleep; opium.
    3. the grass Scirpus kysoor.
  2. ಕಸಾಕಸಿ

    ♪ kasākasi
    1. a trying to get cheaply a thing being bought esp. arguing about the price for a meagre benefit.
  3. ಕಸಕಸಿ

    ♪ kasakasi
    1. = ಕಸಕಸೆ1.
  4. ಗಸಗಸ

    ♪ gasagasa
    1. a sound produced by rubbing a dish while washing it.
    2. a sound imitating it.
  5. ಕುಸಕುಸ

    ♪ kusakusa
    1. = ಕುಸ.
  6. ಕುಸುಕುಸು

    ♪ kusukusu
    1. a low whispering sound.
  7. ಕೇಸಾಕೇಸಿ

    ♪ kēsākēsi
    1. = ಕೇಶಾಕೇಶಿ.
  8. ಗುಸುಗುಸು

    ♪ gusugusu
    1. = ಗುಸು.
  9. ಕಸಕಸೆ

    ♪ kasakase
    1. the plant Papaver somniferum of Papaveraceae family, with grayish-green leaves and large, white or purple flowers, the source of opium; opium poppy.
    2. the seed of this plant which contains such alkaloids as morphine, codeine, and papaverine, and is used as an intoxicant and medicinally to relieve pain and produce sleep; opium.
    3. the grass Scirpus kysoor.
  10. ಕಸಕಸೆ

    ♪ kasakase
    1. the condition of being irritated from annoyance; mental irritation.
  11. ಕಸಿಕಿಸಿ

    ♪ kasikisi
    1. the act of competing; competition; a vying; a shoot or bud of one plant or tree inserted or to be inserted into the stem or trunk of another, where it continues to grow, becoming a permanent part; scion.
  12. ಗಸಗಸೆ

    ♪ gasagase
    1. the plant Papaver somniferum of Papaveraceae family, with greyish-green leaves and large, white or purple flowers, the source of opium; opium poppy.
    2. the seed of this plant, contains such alkaloids as morphine, codeine, and papaverine, and is used as an intoxicant and medicinally to relieve pain and produce sleep; opium.
    3. the grass Scirpus kysoor.
  13. ಕುಶಕುಸ

    ♪ kuśakusa
    1. a thing or happening supposed to foretell a future, evil event.
  14. ಕೇಶಾಕೇಶಿ

    ♪ keśakēśi
    1. a fighting pulling each other's hair.