1. ಖಳಕರ್ಮ

    ♪ khaḷa karma
    1. an abominably bad or wicked act; a villianous act.
    2. (Jain.) any act or thought that inhibits the religious progress of the individual soul.
  2. ಕಳ್ಳಕೊರಮ

    ♪ kaḷḷakorama
    1. a member of Korava caste (who were earlier considered as thieves).
    2. a noted thief.
    3. a sober-looking cheat.
  3. ಕೀಳುಕರ್ಮ

    ♪ kīḷukarma
    1. an act or deed that morally base, sinful or vile or socially offensive.