1. ಖರೀತಾ

    ♪ kharīta
    1. = ಖರೀತ.
  2. ಕ್ರೀತ

    ♪ krīta
    1. a boy adopted by a person, by paying money to the parent or parents of the boy.
  3. ಕರೀತ

    ♪ karīta
    1. a folded paper container, usu. with a sealable flap, for a letter to send through post, etc.
    2. an order, command, instruction or direction, etc. communicated in writing.
    3. correspondence; a) communication by exchange of letters; b) letters received or written.
  4. ಕ್ರೀತ

    ♪ krīta
    1. obtained by paying a price; bought; purchased.
  5. ಖರೀತ

    ♪ kharīta
    1. a folded paper container, usu. with a sealable flap, for a letter to send through post, etc.
    2. an order, command, instruction or direction,. communicated in writing.
    3. correspondence; a) communication by exchange of letters; b) letters received or written.
  6. ಕೃತ್ತ

    ♪ křtta
    1. cut; severed; sheared.
  7. ಕರ್ದ

    ♪ karda
    1. soft, moist, slippery mud.
    2. a firm, fine-grained earth, plastic when wet, composed chiefly of hydrous aluminum silicate minerals, used to make earthen pots; clay.
    3. the fibrous root of the lotus plant.
  8. ಘೃತ

    ♪ ghřta
    1. butter which has been boiled gently and allowed to cool, and strained, used in cooking or mixing with food and for religious purposes; clarified butter.
    2. water.
    3. milk.
    4. the food of gods; ambrosia.
    5. intense enthusiasm, as in working for a cause; ardent endeavour or devotion; zeal.
    6. any medicinal preparation made and preserved in clarified butter.
  9. ಕರ್ದ

    ♪ karda
    1. any of a number of large, strong, flesh-eating accipitrine birds of prey noted for their sharp vision and powerful wings; an eagle.
  10. ಗರದ

    ♪ garada
    1. a man who feeds, administers poison.
  11. ಕರ್ತ

    ♪ karta
    1. one who does, performs, works; a doer.
    2. the creator of the universe; the God.
    3. a chief, leader or a prominent man.
  12. ಘೃತ

    ♪ ghřta
    1. scattered in drops or particles upon; sprinkled.
  13. ಘ್ರಾತ

    ♪ ghrāta
    1. smelled; inhaled; sensed by the nose.
  14. ಕೃತ

    ♪ křta
    1. made; done; performed; finished; accomplished.
  15. ಕೃತ

    ♪ křta
    1. first of the four mythological ages of the world extending over 17,28,000 years, regarded as the age of truth.
    2. a man who has accomplished (his object).
    3. Yama, the God of Death.
    4. a kindly, charitable act or gift; beneficence; benevolence.
    5. an adequate quantity or amount; sufficiency.
    6. a work, deed; an action that is complete.
    7. consequence; result.
    8. an aim; an object.
    9. a stake at a game.
    10. loot taken from the enemy; spoils of war; booty.
    11. ಕೃತಮಱಿ křtamaṛi to remember the help received (from another); to be grateful; to be thankful.
  16. ಗರ್ತ

    ♪ garta
    1. a chair of State for a sovereign; a throne.
    2. a two or four-wheeled vehicle drawn by horses, used in ancient warfare; a chariot.
    3. the seat in a chariot for a warrior to sit on.
    4. a chequered cloth, which the game of dice is played on.
    5. a hole; a hollow or depressed place.
    6. the hollow of the loins.
    7. a deep wound.
    8. a large hollow in the side of a cliff, hill, etc. or underground; a cave.
    9. water moving rapidly in a circle so as to produce a depression in the centre into which floating objects may be drawn; a whirlpool; an eddy.
    10. a building for people to live in; a house.
  17. ಕಾರ್ತಿ

    ♪ karti
    1. the rainy season.
  18. ಕಾರಿತೆ

    ♪ kārite
    1. a sum of money paid or charged for the use of borrowed money; interest.
  19. ಕರೆತ

    ♪ kareta
    1. the act or an instance of drawing milk from a cow, buffalo etc.
  20. ಕರ್ದು

    ♪ kardu
    1. = ಕರ್ದುಂಕು - 1.