1. ಖರಾಬು

    ♪ kharābu
    1. the quality, state that is bad.
    2. that which is bad, spoiled, wicked or depraved.
  2. ಖರಾಬು

    ♪ kharābu
    1. not fit for cultivtion (as a piece of land).
    2. bad; spoiled; wicked; depraved.
  3. ಕರ್ಬು

    ♪ karbu
    1. the perennial tropical grass of the genus Saccharum (family: Poaceae), Saccharum officinarum; its tall stout jointed stems from which sugar is made; sugar-cane.
  4. ಗರಬು

    ♪ garabu
    1. = ಗರಸು.
  5. ಗರ್ಬು

    ♪ garbu
    1. a strong, offensive smell or odour; stink; stench.
    2. any dirty, stinking material.
  6. ಗರಬು

    ♪ garabu
    1. = ಗರಪು.
  7. ಕರಾಬು

    ♪ karābu
    1. not fit for cultivtion (as a piece of land).
    2. bad; spoiled; wicked; depraved.
  8. ಕರಾಬು

    ♪ karābu
    1. the quality, state that is bad.
    2. that which is bad, spoiled, wicked or depraved.
  9. ಕರ್ಬ

    ♪ karba
    1. a large number (10,000,000,000).
  10. ಕರಭ

    ♪ karabha
    1. the part of the hand consisting of the five bones between the wrist and the fingers; metacarpus.
    2. the distance from the tip of the ring finger and the tip of the thumb (of the same hand), when stretched apart.
    3. a large cud-chewing mammal, domesticated in parts of Africa and Asia, with slender legs, broad cushioned feet, and either one or two fatty humps on the back; a camel.
    4. a young camel.
    5. the young of any animal.
    6. a kind musical instrument.
    7. a northern constellation between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia; Camelopardus.
  11. ಕರಬ

    ♪ karaba
    1. a leguminous tree (Ceratonia siliqua) of the E Mediterranean, bearing long, flat, leathery, brown pods with a sweet pulp; (?).
  12. ಗರ್ಭ

    ♪ garbha
    1. the organ of conception and gestation in a woman and other female mammals; the uterus; the womb.
    2. the unborn young of human in its later stage, esp. from about the eighth week after conception until birth; an embryo or foetus.
    3. the large, saclike organ of vertebrates into which food passes from the oesophagus or gullet for storage while undergoing the early processes of digestion; the stomach.
    4. a very young child; a baby.
    5. the central or innermost part of anything; the core.
    6. (rhet.) one of the five stages in a drama, in which the cause for the major or main effect is found out or is sought to be known.
    7. one of the forty-five means of achieving the intended effect of a hymn (?).
  13. ಗರ್ಬ

    ♪ garba
    1. a high or overbearing opinion of one's worth or importance; inordinate self-esteem; haughty behaviour resulting from this; arrogance; pride.
  14. ಕರಬ

    ♪ karaba
    1. the plat Centrantherum anthelmenticum (= Vernonia anthelmentica of Asteraceae family.
    2. its seed; (?).
  15. ಕರೋಬಾ

    ♪ karōbā
    1. a leguminous tree (Ceratonia siliqua) of the E Mediterranean, bearing long, flat, leathery, brown pods with a sweet pulp.
  16. ಕರಬೇ

    ♪ karabē
    1. = ಕರಪೆ.
  17. ಕರುಬು

    ♪ karubu
    1. a feeling of resentful or discontented longing aroused by or intolerance for another person's better fortune, situation, etc.
    2. a person having such a feeling or intolerance.
  18. ಕರುಬು

    ♪ karubu
    1. to have ill-will or intolerance at the superiority, success or good fortune of others; to envy.
  19. ಕುರುಬು

    ♪ kurubu
    1. a very young coconut.
  20. ಕಿರುಬ

    ♪ kiruba
    1. any of various large, ferocious cats, including the jaguar and snow leopard having a tawny coat spotted with black; a leopard.
    2. an extremely fast, doglike cat (Acinonyx jubatus) of Africa and South Asia, with a small head, long legs, nonretractile claws, and a black-spotted, tawny coat; a cheetah.
    3. a wolf-like carnivore (family Hyaenidae) of Africa and Asia, with powerful jaws, a bristly mane, short hind legs, and a characteristic shrill cry; a hyena.