1. ಖಮಾಚು

    ♪ khamācu
    1. (mus.) a mode in Karnāṭaka system, having six notes in mutative ascending order, and seven in the descending order, derived from the main mode Harikambhōji.
  2. ಕಮಾಚ್

    ♪ kamac
    1. (mus.) a mode in Karnāṭaka system, having six notes in mutative ascending order, and seven in the descending order, derived from the main mode Harikambhōji.
  3. ಕಮಚಿ

    ♪ kamaci
    1. the lash of a whip made by intertwining the slender, splintered rattan canes.
  4. ಕಿಮಿಚು

    ♪ kimicu
    1. to crush; to squeeze.
    2. to reduce to powder; to pulverise.
  5. ಕೈಮಚ್ಚು

    ♪ kai maccu
    1. a short sickle with a heavy crescent-shaped blade.
  6. ಕೈಮುಚ್ಚು

    ♪ kai muccu
    1. to cover or close with the hand.
    2. to restrain from doing.