1. ಖಚೋರ

    ♪ khacōra
    1. the plant Curcuma zeodarina ( = C. zerumbet, = Amomum zerumbet) of Zingiberaeae family.
  2. ಕಚೋರ

    ♪ kacōra
    1. the plant Curcuma zeodarina (= C. zerumbet, = Amomum zerumbet) of Zingiberaeae family.
    2. the Kaempferia galanga of Zingiberaceae family.
    3. arsenic trisulfide, As2S3, having a lemon-yellow color and a resinous lustre which is used as a pigment; orpiment.
  3. ಖಚರ

    ♪ khacara
    1. that which moves, seem to move or believed to move in the sky as a bird, an arrow, a deity, the sun; etc. 2) the symbol of the number 'one'.
    2. a particular mode of playing a musical instrument.
  4. ಕಚರಾ

    ♪ kacarā
    1. = ಕಚಡ1.
  5. ಕಚರಾ

    ♪ kacarā
    1. = ಕಚಡ2.
  6. ಖಚರ

    ♪ khacara
    1. moving, seeming to move or believed to move in the sky.
  7. ಗಾಚಾರ

    ♪ gācāra
    1. (astrol.) the rule of an individual's destiny by the planets.
  8. ಗೋಚಾರ

    ♪ gōcāra
    1. the movement of cattle.
    2. (astrol.) a moving, actual or apparent, of celestial bodies esp. of those planets whose influence on human beings is believed to change according to such movements.
  9. ಕಚರಿ

    ♪ kacari
    1. = ಕಚಡಿ.
  10. ಕಚರಿ

    ♪ kacari
    1. = ಕಚೋರ - 1.
  11. ಕಚಾರಿ

    ♪ kacāri
    1. (dial.) a wide-mouthed vessel used for serving food.
  12. ಕಚೂರ

    ♪ kacūra
    1. = ಕಚೋರ.
  13. ಕಚೇರಿ

    ♪ kacēri
    1. the building, room or series of rooms in which the affairs of a business, professional person, branch of government, etc. are carried on; an office.
    2. a program of vocal or instrumental music, usu. one in which a number of musicians perform together; a music concert.
  14. ಕೈಚೂರಿ

    ♪ kai cūri
    1. a short stabbing weapon with a pointed and edged blade; a dagger.
  15. ಖಚರಿ

    ♪ khacari
    1. a female belonging the class of deities khacara.
  16. ಖೇಚರ

    ♪ khēcara
    1. that which moves, seem to move or believed to move in the sky as a bird, an arrow, a deity, the sun; etc.
    2. a particular clas of deities.
    3. one of the yogic postures.
  17. ಖೇಚರಿ

    ♪ khēcari
    1. a female of the khēcara class of deities.
  18. ಗುಚ್ಚೂರಿ

    ♪ guccūri
    1. a short stabbing weapon with a pointed and edged blade; a dagger.
  19. ಗೋಚರ

    ♪ gōcara
    1. ranged, travelled over or through, roamed about, by cattle.
    2. that can be or is seen, perceived, observed; seen; visible; apparent.
  20. ಗೋಚರ

    ♪ gōcara
    1. a tract of grassland, whose grass is grown for use as hay; a meadow; a pasture-land.
    2. a large and indefinite part of the surface of the earth; a district; a region.
    3. a place of dwelling; a house.
    4. ಗೋಚರವಾಗು gōcaravāgu to be seen; to appear; to become visible.