1. ಖಚಿತ

    ♪ khacita
    1. fixed; set in; inlaid.
    2. sure ( to happen, to be, etc.).
    3. not to be doubted; unquestionable.
    4. mixed; blended; compounded; ಖಚಿತಮಾಡಿಕೊಡು k hacita māḍikoḍu to guarantee the genuineness, quality, worth, etc.; to ensure (that something would happen without fail).
    5. ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿ khacitavāgi beyond any doubt; surely; certainly; ಖಚಿತವಾಗು khacitavāgu to become certain.
  2. ಕಾಚಿತ

    ♪ kācita
    1. hung in a sling, net work of a rope or wire, which is suspended from the roof-beam of a house.
  3. ಕಾಚಿತ

    ♪ kācita
    1. a service to a god; a worshipping.
  4. ಕುಚಿತ

    ♪ kucita
    1. limited in outlook; without breadth of view or generosity; not liberal; prejudiced.
    2. low in quality, value or importance; paltry; poor; inferior.
  5. ಕುಚಿತ

    ♪ kucita
    1. a man of mean or base qualities.
  6. ಕುಚಿತ್ತ

    ♪ kucitta
    1. = ಕುಚಿತಬುದ್ಧಿ.
    2. a man having a bad disposition.
    3. a dull or stupid man.
  7. ಕುಚ್ಚಿತ

    ♪ kuccita
    1. of low, inferior quality; base; mean; wicked; deserving of contempt or scorn; contemptible.
  8. ಕುಚ್ಚಿತ

    ♪ kuccita
    1. that which is inferior, mean or wicked.
    2. a man of mean or wicked nature; a despicable man.
  9. ಕೆಚ್ಚೆದೆ

    ♪ keccede
    1. the quality of being resolute; firmness of purpose; a determined mind; mettle.
  10. ಕೊಚಿತ

    ♪ kocita
    1. a little; small in quantity, amount, number, degree, size, etc.; not much; bit; wee; slight.
  11. ಕೊಚಿತ

    ♪ kocita
    1. in small quantity, amount, number, degree etc.; to a slight extent; only slightly.
  12. ಕೋಚೆತ್ತು

    ♪ kōcettu
    1. to talk in a loud voice; to shout.