1. ಕ್ಷೌರ

    ♪ kṣaura
    1. the act of cutting, dressing, shaving or trimming of the hair of the head or beard.
    2. (fig.) a losing of money (by way of unnecessary or wasteful expenditure).
  2. ಕ್ಷಾರ

    ♪ kṣāra
    1. a chemical compound derived from an acid by replacing hydrogen, wholly or partly, with a metal or an electropositive radical; a chemical salt.
    2. the quality of such a substance.
    3. the white or greyish powder remaining after something has been thoroughly burned; ash.
    4. a hard, brittle substance made by fusing silicates with soda or potash, lime, and, sometimes, various metallic oxides into a molten mass; glass.
    5. that which lends a tang or piquancy; esp., sharp pungent humour or wit; a word, speech or remark made with an intention or inflicting pain to or to degrading, another.
    6. (fig.) a wicked person; a scoundrel; a rogue.
  3. ಕ್ಷರ

    ♪ kṣara
    1. melting away; dissolving; disintegrating.
    2. tending to frequent change; that can be changed; mutable.
    3. having a gross body ( consisting of physical organs, but not subtle ones); mundane; earthly.
  4. ಕ್ಷಾರ

    ♪ kṣāra
    1. of, tasting of or containing salt; salty.
    2. of, like or having the properties of an alkali; alkaline.
    3. cutting or sarcastic in utterance; biting; caustic; pungent (said of speech); causing mental pain; stinging.
    4. flowing or leaking out slowly (as through very small holes); oozing; seeping; leaking.
  5. ಕಿಶೋರಿ

    ♪ kiśori
    1. a girl from birth to the age of 15 years.
    2. a young female lion, tiger, deer, horse, etc.
  6. ಕುಶಿರ

    ♪ kuśira
    1. (prob. = ಕುಶಿಕ) the share or cutting blade of a plough; a plough-share.
  7. ಕುಶ್ರೀ

    ♪ kuśri
    1. unpleasing or repulsive to see; aesthetically offensive; unattractive; ugly.
  8. ಕುಶ್ರೀ

    ♪ kuśri
    1. the quality or state of being ugly; ugliness; unsightliness.
  9. ಕೇಶರ

    ♪ kēśara
    1. the dried, aromatic stigmas of the plant Crocus sativus of Iridaceae family, used in flavouring and colouring foods, and formerly in medicine; saffron powder.
  10. ಕೈಶೆರೆ

    ♪ kaiśere
    1. = ಕೈಸೆರೆ.
  11. ಕ್ಷೀರ

    ♪ kṣīra
    1. milk - a) a white or yellowish emulsion secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for suckling their young and usu. consisting of fats, proteins, sugars, vitamins, and minerals suspended in water; b) cow's milk or, sometimes, that of goats, camels, etc., drunk by humans as a food or used to make butter, cheese, casein products, etc.; c) any liquid like this, as the juice of various plants or fruits (e.g., coconut milk) or any of various emulsions.
    2. a solution of sugar and water boiled together, to which some flavouring is often added; a syrup.
    3. water.
    4. a cloud.
  12. ಕ್ಷುರ

    ♪ kṣura
    1. a small, sharp-edged cutting instrument for shaving off or cutting hair; a razor.
    2. the horny part of the foot of a horse, antelope or other ungulates; the hoof.
    3. the plant Hygrophila auriculata ( = H. spinosa, = Asteracantha longifolia) of Acanthaceae family.
    4. the thorny plant Tribulus terrestris of Zygophyllaceae family.
  13. ಕ್ಷುರಿ

    ♪ kṣuri
    1. = ಕ್ಷುರಕ - 2.
  14. ಕಶೇರು

    ♪ kaśeru
    1. the column of bones along the centre of the back of vertebrate animals, including humans, made up of separate bones connected by the spinal cord, ligaments, and disk-shaped cartilage; the spine; the backbone.
    2. the grass Scirpus kysoor.
  15. ಕಿಶೋರ

    ♪ kiśora
    1. being in the first or an early stage of life; young; not matured.
  16. ಕಿಶೋರ

    ♪ kiśora
    1. a young male lion, tiger, deer, horse, etc.
    2. a boy from birth to the age of 15 years.
    3. a very small northern constellation near the celestial equator and Pegasus; the Equuleus.