a pleasing smell or odour; sweet scent, as of flowers or a substance that is fragrant; fragrance; a perfume.
the red or dull-red colour.
astringent flavour or taste.
that whose voice or tone is melodious.
any substance distilled from a herb or herbs used in making medicines.
hot water percolated through coffee powder or water in which tea leaves are boiled and filtered.
any of various solid or semisolid, viscous, usu. clear or translucent, yellowish or brownish organic substances exuded from various plants and trees.
a secret, sneaky way (as the one made by thieves).
a symbol for the number four, 4.
a feeling of hatred, unhealthy competition, etc. (betwen two persons).
(Jain.) that which causes the feelings as joy, pleasure, pain, distress, hatred etc., considered as a blemish.
saffron-coloured cloth, usu. worn by monks.