1. ಕೈಗೂಸು

    ♪ kaigūsu
    1. a child during the earliest period of life after birth; a child which can be or must be, carried in hands.
    2. (fig.) a person whose actions, ideas, etc. are controlled by another.
    3. (fig.) he who is entirely and helplessly depending on another without using his discretion.
  2. ಕೈಕೂಸು

    ♪ kai kūsu
    1. a child during the earliest period of life after birth; a child which can be or must be, carried in hands.
    2. (fig.) a person whose actions, ideas, etc. are controlled by another.
    3. (fig.) he who is entirely and helplessly, depending on another without using his discretion.
  3. ಕಕ್ಕಸು

    ♪ kakkasu
    1. a room or compartment containing a large receptacle for urinating or defecating into, usu. flushed and cleansed by water and connected to a sewage system; a lavatory.
    2. waste matter discharged from the bowels; faeces; excrement.
  4. ಕಕ್ಕಸ್ಸು

    ♪ kakkassu
    1. = ಕಕ್ಕಸು.
  5. ಕಕ್ಕಿಸು

    ♪ kakkisu
    1. to make another person or animal eject the contents through the stomach by the mouth; to cause to vomit.
    2. (fig.) to force one to pay or pay back.
  6. ಕಕ್ಷ

    ♪ kakṣa
    1. the hollow beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder; the armpit; the axilla.
    2. a position or space beside one.
    3. a space within a building enclosed by walls or separated from other similar spaces by walls or partitions; a room.
    4. a thick growth of trees and underbrush covering an extensive tract of land; a forest.
    5. the end of a dhōti( the loose, long unsewn garment for the portion below the navel) tucked into the waist-band.
    6. a single long cloth used to cover the privy parts, as by a male ascetic or, poormen in warm climates; a loin cloth.
    7. a woman's girdle; a decorative metal belt for the waist.
    8. grass, esp. dried grass.
    9. a climbing plant or vine; a climber.
    10. the women's quarters in a palace; the harem.
    11. (log.) an objection or reply in argument.
    12. a space enclosed by walls, adjoining or in a castle or other large building; a courtyard.
    13. a place for entering; door, gate, etc.; an entrance.
    14. orbit a) the actual or imaginary path taken by a celestial body during its periodic revolution around another body; b) the path taken by an artificial satellite or spacecraft around a celestial body.
  7. ಕುಕ್ಕಿಸು

    ♪ kukkisu
    1. to cause to overpower or dim the vision of with very bright light or moving lights.
    2. to cause to strike or punch with a pointed object.
  8. ಕಕ್ಕಸ

    ♪ kakkasa
    1. difficulty - a) the condition or fact of being difficult; b) something that is difficult, as a hard problem, an obstacle or objection; trouble.
    2. the quality or condition of being severe, strict, harsh, trying etc.; severity.
    3. the quality of being unduly proud in oneself and being disdainful, contemptuous or scornful toward others; haughtiness.
    4. the quality of acting or moving with great force, violence; vehemence; impetuosity.
  9. ಕೆಕ್ಕಸ

    ♪ kekkasa
    1. an insulting remark; an attack with insulting language.
  10. ಕೇಕಿಸು

    ♪ kēkisu
    1. to cry as a pea-cock.
  11. ಕೈಕಸ

    ♪ kaikasa
    1. (fig.) a worthless thing.
  12. ಕೈಗೈಸು

    ♪ kaigaisu
    1. = ಕೈಗೆಯ್ - 1 & 4.
  13. ಕೊಕ್ಕಸ

    ♪ kokkasa
    1. a strong man.
  14. ಕೊಕ್ಕಿಸು

    ♪ kokkisu
    1. to bend back at an angle or with a round bend; to form a curve by bending.
  15. ಗುಕ್ಕಿಸು

    ♪ gukkisu
    1. to cause, by exciting or embarrassing (another), to speak temporarily with pauses or blocks and rapid repetitions of syllables or initial sounds; to make a person stammer.
  16. ಕೀಕಸ

    ♪ kīka
    1. not easily dented, pierced, cut or crushed; resistant to pressure; hard; firm; rigid.
  17. ಕೀಕಸ

    ♪ kīka
    1. any of the separate parts of the hard connective tissue forming the skeleton of most full-grown vertebrate animals; a bone.
  18. ಕೀಕಸು

    ♪ kīkasu
    1. = ಕೀಕಸ2.
  19. ಕೂಗಿಸು

    ♪ kūgisu
    1. to cause to cry out loudly, shriek, scream.
  20. ಕಕ್ಷೆ

    ♪ kakṣe
    1. = ಕಕ್ಷ - 1 & 14.
    2. 3) the territorial range of authority; jurisdiction; 2. a part of a building enclosed by walls or partitions, floor and ceiling; a room.