1. ಕೇರೆ

    ♪ kēre
    1. the non-poisonous snake Ptyas mucosus; rat-snake.
  2. ಕೆರೆ

    ♪ kere
    1. a natural or artificial pool or pond used for water storage; a water tank.
    2. ಕೆರೆಕಡೆಗೆ ಹೋಗು kere kaḍege hōgu (vulgar) to go out for evacuate one's bowels; ಕೆರೆ ಭಾವಿಯನ್ನು ನೋಡಿಕೊ kere bhāviyannu nōḍiko (fig.) to plan to commit suicide by drowning in water; ಕೆರೆಯ ನೀರನ್ನು ಕೆರೆಗೆ ಚೆಲ್ಲು kereya nīrannu kerege cellu (prov.) spend what one gets from the society for its good (instead of for one's selfish purpose); ಏಳು ಕೆರೆಯ ನೀರನ್ನು ಕುಡಿದಿರು ēḷu kereya nīrannu kuḍidiru (fig.) to have wide and practical experience (in dealing with different types of people); ಕೆರೆಯ ಮುಂದೆ ಅರವಟ್ಟಿಗೆಯೇ? kereya munde aravaṭṭigeyē? (prov.) to do something useless; to dig the well at the river; 2. under the sun, do you need a small lamp?.
  3. ಗೆರೆ

    ♪ gere
    1. a very thin, thread-like mark, esp. a long, thin mark made by a pencil, pen, chalk, etc.; a line.
    2. a shallow cut, mark or tear made by a nail or something sharp or rough on the surface of; a scratch.
    3. any of long, slightly depressed, natural marks of the palm.
    4. a fold of the skin as of the forehead (as while frowning or being in depressed, sad or angry mood).
    5. the limit, acting, going beyond which is considered as transgression, breach, etc.
    6. ಗೆರೆ ಕುಯ್ದ ಹಾಗೆ gere kuyda hāge (a likening, esp. to say, instruct, etc.) completely decided; pre-arranged; well defined and inflexible; ಹಾಕಿದ ಗೆರೆಯನ್ನು ದಾಟದಿರು hākida gereyannu dāṭadiru (prov.) to not cross the limits (in one's action, conduct, etc.) laid down (by another).
  4. ಕೆರೆ

    ♪ kere
    1. a number of cattle feeding, living or being driven together; a herd.
  5. ಗೇರೆ

    ♪ gēre
    1. a continuous, vertical structure of usu. brick or stone, having little width in proportion to its length and height and esp. enclosing, protecting or dividing a space or supporting a roof; a wall.
  6. ಕೆರೆ

    ♪ kere
    1. to mark, break or cut the surface of slightly with or as with a nail or nails; to scratch.
    2. to tear or dig with or as with the nails or claws.
    3. to lightly scratch (the itching part of the skin).
    4. to cut off and dress the hair; to shave.
    5. to grind (as coconut) into shreds by rubbing or scraping; to grate.
  7. ಖರ

    ♪ khara
    1. not easily dented, pierced, cut or crushed; resistant to pressure; firm and unyielding to the touch; rough; rigid; solid; hard; harsh.
    2. able to cut or pierce (an object with ease); sharp.
    3. severe; intense.
    4. sharp and biting to the taste; acid; pungent.
    5. hot - a) having a high temperature, esp. one that is higher than that of the human body; b) characterised by a relatively or abnormally high temperature; very warm; c) feeling uncomfortably overheated.
  8. ಕರ

    ♪ kara
    1. the end part of the human arm beyond the wrist, including the fingers and thumb; the hand.
    2. an elephant's elongated prehensile nose; the trunk.
    3. the length of the arm from the end of the middle finger to the elbow; a former unit of linear measure, about 18-22 inches (45.4-55.5 cm); a cubit.
    4. a compulsory payment, usu. a percentage, levied on income, property value, sales price, etc. for the support of a government; a tax.
    5. a payment made periodically by one state or ruler to another, esp. as a sign of dependence; tribute.
    6. a ray of light.
    7. water.
    8. a cloud.
    9. a liquid, usu. red and circulating in the arteries and veins of vertebrates, that carries oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body; blood.
    10. an invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen; air.
    11. a symbol for the number 2.
    12. the cardinal number six; 6.
    13. pellets of frozen rain falling in showers from cumulonimbus clouds; hail.
    14. a small south constellation near Virgo; the Corvus.
  9. ಖರ

    ♪ khara
    1. the offspring of a donkey and a horse; a mule.
    2. an ass.
    3. a person belonging to the mythological class of beings, characterised by cruel mind, abnormally great growth of the body and brutal strength.
    4. the twenty fifth year in the sixty-years cycle of Hindus.
    5. the symbol for the number six.
    6. a crow.
    7. any of various wading birds (esp. subfamily Ardeinae) with a long neck, long legs, and a long, tapered bill, living along marshes and river banks; a heron.
  10. ಕಾರ

    ♪ kāra
    1. a month in the Tuḷu calendar corresponding tot he period June-July; rainy season.
  11. ಕರ

    ♪ kara
    1. any of a number of horselike perissodactylous mammals (family Equidae) having long ears and a short mane, which can be domesticated; an ass.
  12. ಕರ

    ♪ kara
    1. = ಕರಂ.
  13. ಕರ

    ♪ kara
    1. a thing that may cause injury, pain, etc. ; a danger.
  14. ಖರ

    ♪ khara
    1. excessively; abundantly.
    2. specially; mainly; to a marked degree; especially.
  15. ಕಾರ

    ♪ kāra
    1. the act or fact of doing, making, etc.
    2. a compulsory payment levied on income, property value, sales price, etc. for the support of a government; a tax.
  16. ಕಾರ್

    ♪ kār
    1. (in comp.) of black colour.
  17. ಕರ

    ♪ kara
    1. harsh; biting; severe.
    2. violent; impetuous.
  18. ಕಾರ

    ♪ kāra
    1. the taste that produces a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, etc.
    2. sodium chloride, NaCl, a white, crystalline substance with a characteristic taste, found in natural beds, in sea water, etc., and used for seasoning and preserving foods, etc.; common salt.
    3. (fig.) anger; wrath; fury.
  19. ಕಾರ್

    ♪ kār
    1. to eat; to chew; to swallow; to devour.
  20. ಕಾರ್

    ♪ kār
    1. the season characterised by much rainfall; the rainy season.
    2. the clouds that bring rain.
    3. the wet mud; mud saturated with water; soggy land.
    4. crop fed by rainwater.
    5. ಕಾರಪರ್ಬ kāraparba = ಕಾರಹಬ್ಬ; ಕಾರಪುಣ್ನಮಿ kārapuṇnami = ಕಾರಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ; ಕಾರಪುಣಮೆ kārapuṇame = ಕಾರಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ; ಕಾರಹಬ್ಬ kārahabba a festival observed on the full moon-day in the the third month of Hindu calendar; i.e.during rainy season, ಕಾರಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ kāra huṇṇime the full moon-day in the third month of Hindu calendar; ಕಾರಹುಣ್ಣಿವೆ kāra huṇṇive = ಕಾರಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ.