1. ಕೇರಳಿ

    ♪ kēraḷi
    1. a woman who is an inhabitant of Kēraḷa state, in South West India.
  2. ಗರಳ

    ♪ garaḷa
    1. a substance that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism causes death or injury, esp. one that kills by rapid action even in a small quantity; a poison.
    2. the poison secreted by some snakes, introduced into the body of the victim by bite; venom.
  3. ಕರಾಳ

    ♪ karāḷa
    1. (myth.) Rāhu, a serpant demon, once believed to eclipse the sun and moon, considered to be one of the nine planets that rule the destinies of individuals.
    2. Yama, the Hindu Death-God.
    3. Śiva.
    4. a disease of the teeth.
    5. the plant Ocimum sanctum of Lamiaceae family; sacred basil; black basil.
    6. (myth.) one of the hells.
    7. a cloth made from the hair of some wild animals.
  4. ಕರಾಳ

    ♪ karāḷa
    1. very much exceeding the usual size, number or degree; of great size; huge; vast.
    2. causing fright; terrifying; frightening; dreadful.
    3. outrageously evil or wicked; abominable; heinous; atrocious; very brutal.
    4. abnormal to a considerable degree.
  5. ಕರಳೆ

    ♪ karaḷe
    1. = ಕರಳಿ2.
  6. ಕರುಳು

    ♪ karuḷu
    1. the lower part of the alimentary canal, extending from the stomach to the anus and consisting of the small intestine and the large intestine; the intestine.
    2. the love or natural affection that one has for one's child or children, brother or sister, parents etc.
    3. ಕರುಳಕುಡಿ karuḷa kuḍi one's offspring; ಕರುಳಬಳ್ಳಿ karuḷa baḷḷi close connection of persons by blood; ಕರುಳ ಸಂಬಂಧ karuḷa sambandha relation by blood; blood relation; ಕರುಳಿನ ಕುಡಿ karuḷina kuḍi = ಕರುಳಕುಡಿ; ಕರುಳಿನವರು k aruḷinavaru (pl.) persons related to one by birth; ಕರುಳು ಕರಗಿಸು k aruḷu k aragisu to make one feel pity; to be pitiable; ಕರುಳು ಕರಗು karuḷu karagu (one's attitude, disposition) to become softened; to become gentle and tender; to melt; ಕರುಳು ಕೊರೆ karuḷu kore to pain emotionally and deeply; ಕರುಳು ಮಿಡಿ karuḷu miḍi to feel pained very much; ಕರುಳು ಹರಿದುಕೊಳ್ಳು karuḷu haridukoḷḷu to cut off one's (of a relative) relation.
  7. ಕರಳಿ

    ♪ karaḷi
    1. a rough, handspun cotton cloth.
  8. ಕರಾಳಿ

    ♪ karāḷi
    1. = ಕರಳಿ2.
  9. ಕರಳು

    ♪ karaḷu
    1. salty, brackish soil.
  10. ಕರಾಳು

    ♪ karāḷu
    1. a servant who stays very close to his master.
  11. ಕರಾಳೆ

    ♪ karāḷe
    1. a dreadful, highly unpleasant woman.
    2. a ruthless, brutal woman.
  12. ಕರುಳ್

    ♪ karuḷ
    1. = ಕರುಳು.
  13. ಕಾರೆಳ್ಳು

    ♪ kāreḷḷu
    1. the plant Sesamum indicum of Asteraceae family.
    2. the black seed of that plant which yields an edible oil.
    3. the plant Guizotia abyssinica of Asteraceae family.
    4. a small, congenital, dark spot, often hairy, on the human skin; a mole.
    5. either of the two sponge-like respiratory organs in the thorax of vertebrates, that oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide from it; the lung.
  14. ಕಾರಳೆ

    ♪ kāraḷe
    1. = ಕಾರಣೆ1.
  15. ಕಾರುಳಿ

    ♪ kāruḷi
    1. the ornamental red line, stripe or painting on the lower part of the walls of a house.
  16. ಕಾರಳ್ಳು

    ♪ kāraḷḷu
    1. a plant.
  17. ಕರಾಳಿ

    ♪ karāḷi
    1. one of the powers of Śiva, personified as a female.
  18. ಕಿರುಳ

    ♪ kiruḷa
    1. a young male human being; a boy.
    2. an young of any animal, as a cub, calf etc.
    3. a young growth on a plant, as a stem or branch; shoot; a sprout.
  19. ಕಿರುಳಿ

    ♪ kiruḷi
    1. a small, short, pointed tool with a round handle for engraving, sharpening or shaping wood, etc. a small chisel or bruin.
  20. ಕರಳಿ

    ♪ karaḷi
    1. the evergreen tree Carallia lucida (= C. integirrima) of Rhizophoraceae family.