1. ಕೇಮೆ

    ♪ kēme
    1. anything one has to do; a task; a work; a job.
  2. ಗೇಮೆ

    ♪ gēme
    1. anything one has to do or that which is done; a task; a work; a job.
    2. skill in using one's hands; hand-dexterity.
    3. the act and practice of cheating; an instance of cheating.
    4. the profession or practice of farming, cultivation.
  3. ಘಮ

    ♪ ghama
    1. a sweet smell; pleasant odour; fragrance.
  4. ಗಮ

    ♪ gama
    1. a sweet smell; pleasant odour; fragrance; ಗಮಗಮ ಅನ್ನು gama gama a nnu to emit pleasant smell; to be fragrant.
    2. to have or be filled with, a pleasant odour.
  5. ಗಾಮ

    ♪ gāma
    1. a more or less concentrated group of houses, larger than a village but smaller than a city; a town.
  6. ಗಮ

    ♪ gama
    1. the act of going, moving, walking.
    2. the quality of acting or doing suddenly with little thought; rashness; impulsiveness; impetuousness.
    3. lack of full knowledge.
  7. ಕಾಮ

    ♪ kāma
    1. a strong wish or craving; desire.
    2. sexual appetite; lust; concupiscence.
    3. the quality of behaving unrestrainedly; capriciousness; fancifulness.
    4. a healthy sexual life, without violating the other social, moral norms, regarded as one of the four personal aims to be realised or striven for.
    5. (myth.) the god of love, son of Křṣṇa.
    6. Balarāma, the elder brother of Křṣṇa.
    7. the Supreme Being.
    8. the plant Ammania baccifera of Lythraceae family.
    9. ಕಾಮನ ಕರಿ kāmana kari the young leaves or flowers of neem tree; ಕಾಮನ ಬಿಲ್ಲು kāmana billu an arc or ring containing the colours of the spectrum in consecutive bands, formed in the sky by the refraction, reflection, and dispersion of light in rain or fog; a rain-bow; ಕಾಮನ ಬಿಲ್ಲು ಬಳ್ಳಿ kāmana billu baḷḷi the creeper Thunbergia mysorensis of Acanthaceae family; rainbow creeper; ಕಾಮನ ಹಬ್ಬ kāmana habba the festival observed on the last full moon-day of the Hindu calendar year; ಕಾಮನ ಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ kāmana huṇṇime the last full moon-day of the Hindu calendar year; 2. the festival observed on that day; ಕಾಮನ ಹುಣ್ಣಿವೆ kāmana huṇṇive = ಕಾಮನ ಹುಣ್ಣಿಮೆ; ಕಾಮನ ಹೂ kāmana hū the flower of neem tree; ಕಾಮಕ್ಕೆ ಕಣ್ಣಿಲ್ಲ kāmakke kaṇṇilla lust renders a person blind; love is blind.
  8. ಕಮ್ಮು

    ♪ kammu
    1. (exhaled air) to have a good odor.
  9. ಕಮ್ಮಿ

    ♪ kammi
    1. the quality or state of being deficient; (the amount of) a shortfall; something lacking, a defect; deficiency.
    2. ಕಮ್ಮಿ ಜಾಸ್ತಿ kammi jāsti approximately; more or less.
  10. ಕಮ್ಮ

    ♪ kamma
    1. the grass Pennisetum typhoides (= Holcus spicata, = Panicum spicatum) of Poaceae family.
    2. its grain; spiked millet; (?).
  11. ಕಾಮಿ

    ♪ kāmi
    1. desiring; wishing.
  12. ಕಾಮಿ

    ♪ kāmi
    1. 1) any bird of the family Columbidae having plump body and small head; pigeon.
    2. any of various small birds of the family Emberizidae; the house sparrow.
    3. the ruddy goose considered to be a pattern of conjugal attachment.
    4. Śiva.
    5. a man excessively submissive to his wife; an uxorious man.
    6. the moon.
    7. the Supreme Being.
  13. ಕಾಮಿ

    ♪ kāmi
    1. (dial.) a domesticated female cat.
  14. ಕಾಮು

    ♪ kāmu
    1. the main stalk of a small plant, as lotus, amaranth, etc.
    2. the handle of a tool, esp. of an axe or hatchet; a helve.
  15. ಕಾಮಿ

    ♪ kāmi
    1. a man excessively interested in, desirous of, indulging in, sexual enjoyment.
    2. (gen.) a man having a desire (for something).
    3. Rati, the wife of Kāma.
  16. ಕುಮ್ಮಿ

    ♪ kummi
    1. a girl's dance with clapping of hands to time and singing.
  17. ಕಮ್ಮಿ

    ♪ kammi
    1. = ಕಮ್ಮಾಯಿಲ.
    2. 2) a person who sins, esp. habitually or has committed a sin; a sinner.
  18. ಕೀಮು

    ♪ kīmu
    1. a thick opaque usu. yellowish white fluid matter formed by suppuration and composed of exudate containing white blood cells, tissue debris, and micro organisms; pus.
  19. ಕಿಮಿ

    ♪ kimi
    1. the part of the body speciali¸Àed for the perception of sound; organ of hearing: the ear.
    2. the inlet for putting gunpowder into a gun.
    3. either of the tapering ends of the spindle rod.
    4. the ring attached to a frying pan, used as a handle.
  20. ಕಮ್ಮೆ

    ♪ kamme
    1. a sect among brāhmaṇa community.
    2. a member of that sect.