1. ಕೇದಾಡು

    ♪ kēdāḍu
    1. (a man) to have sexual intercourse (with a woman); to copulate.
  2. ಕಾದಾಟ

    ♪ kādāṭa
    1. active, armed fighting with enemy forces.
    2. a hand to hand fighting between two persons.
    3. a fight, struggle or controversy as between two persons, teams or ideas.
  3. ಕದಡು

    ♪ kadaḍu
    1. a liquid that has been stirred as to make the ingredients in it disturbed.
    2. the water, sediments in which are disturbed by stirring, walking in it, etc.
    3. the disturbed state of the mind; excited feelings as grief, intolerance, fear, hatred, etc.
    4. a person whose quietness is disturbed by fear, intolerance, grief, hatred, etc.
  4. ಕಾದಾಡು

    ♪ kādāḍu
    1. to fight actively with enemy forces; to combat.
    2. to fight hand to hand with another.
    3. to fight, struggle with another to uphold one's view, idea or interest.
  5. ಕಿತ್ತಟ

    ♪ kittaṭa
    1. = ಕಿತ್ತಡ.
  6. ಕಿತ್ತಟ್ಟು

    ♪ kittaṭṭu
    1. the lower portion (of anything).
    2. the region below (as, region below one's feet, etc.).
  7. ಕಿತ್ತಡ

    ♪ kittaḍa
    1. intense dislike; loathing; detestation; abhorrence.
    2. the act or an instance of cheating.
    3. a penancing, austere religious vow.
  8. ಕಿತ್ತಡಿ

    ♪ kittaḍi
    1. a small foot.
    2. a person who leads a life of contemplation and rigorous self-denial for religious purposes; an ascetic.
    3. a priest, ascetic etc. second in hierarchy in a religious monastery.
  9. ಕಿತ್ತಾಟ

    ♪ kittāṭa
    1. the act or state of fighting or quarreling; conflict; strife.
  10. ಕಿತ್ತಾಡು

    ♪ kittāḍu
    1. to engage in a strife; to quarrel.
  11. ಕುತ್ತಟ್ಟ

    ♪ kuttaṭṭa
    1. a flat length of wood or other material fixed horizontally below the roof, but within one's reach, used for keeping things, esp. in the kitchen of a house.
  12. ಕುತ್ತಡಿ

    ♪ kuttaḍi
    1. a small foot (as of a child).
  13. ಕುತ್ತಿಡು

    ♪ kuttiḍu
    1. to poke or pierce heavily with a sharp instrument.
  14. ಕುತ್ತೋಟಿ

    ♪ kuttōṭi
    1. (dial.) a sick person.
  15. ಕೂತಾಡು

    ♪ kūtāḍu
    1. to move the body and feet in rhythm ordinarily to music; to dance.
    2. to move lightly and gaily.
  16. ಕೇದಾಟ

    ♪ kēdāṭa
    1. the physical union of a male and a female by means of their genitals, as in the act of procreation; sexual intercourse.
  17. ಕೈತಟ್ಟು

    ♪ kai taṭṭu
    1. to strike the palms of one's hands together as a signal or repeatedly as applause in appreciation or expressing one's joy or consent; to clap.
    2. to happen; to occur; to take place.
    3. to strike with the hand or fist.
  18. ಕೈತಡೆ

    ♪ kai taḍe
    1. to hold another's hand who is in the process of hitting.
    2. to prevent another from doing something.
  19. ಕೈತೋಟ

    ♪ kaitōṭa
    1. a small garden in which vegetables, flowers, etc. are grown for domestic use; a kitchen garden.
  20. ಕೈದಟ್ಟು

    ♪ kaidaṭṭu
    1. = ಕೈತಟ್ಟು.