1. ಕೇದರಿಸಿ

    ♪ kēdarisi
    1. the annual herb Mollugo stricta of Aizoaceae family.
  2. ಕತ್ತರಿಸು

    ♪ kattarisu
    1. to cut, cut off or cut out with a pair of scissors, knife, sword, etc.
    2. to reduce the quantity, numbers, volume, etc.
    3. (derog. or contemp.) to eat (large quantity of food).
  3. ಕದರಿಸು

    ♪ kadarisu
    1. to cause to disturb the relative position of the particles or parts of something esp. by a continued circular movement; to cause to slightly move or change the position of.
    2. to cause to disturb the quiet of; to cause to evoke strong feelings in.
  4. ಕಾತರಿಸು

    ♪ kātarisu
    1. to long for; to be keenly desirous of; to be or become anxious.
    2. to be irritated; to be excited to impatience or anger; to be tensed with.
    3. to worry (oneself or within) about.
    4. to be afraid of; to fear; to be scared.
    5. to flow over the bounds (as tears); to overflow.
    6. to frighten; to fill with fear; to scare.
  5. ಕುತ್ತರಿಸು

    ♪ kuttarisu
    1. to make feel less sad or disappointed; to comfort (another in difficult condition); to console.
    2. to treat with due courtesy, kindness and care.
    3. to tell or write about; give a detailed account of.
    4. to turn aside; to fend off; to parry; to ward off.
    5. to fulfil the needs, expectations, wishes or desires of (someone); to content; to gratify; to satisfy.
    6. to cause to sit.
  6. ಕುದುರಿಸು

    ♪ kudurisu
    1. to arrange or adjust as desired; to settle; to strike a bargain.
    2. to give, furnish or provide (what is needed or wanted); to supply.
    3. to cause to grow; to build up or expand; to develop.
  7. ಕೈತೋರಿಸು

    ♪ kaitōrisu
    1. to exhibit one's skill, valour, etc.
    2. to point (something) with the finger.
    3. ಕೈತೋರಿಸಿ ಅವಲಕ್ಷಣ ಅನ್ನಿಸಿಕೊ kai tōrisi avalakṣaṇa annisiko (prov.) to invite bad comments or troubles unnecessarily; to scheme for one's own disgrace.
  8. ಗಾತ್ರಿಸು

    ♪ gātrisu
    1. to cause to take into the body (as food, medicine, poison, etc.).
  9. ಗದರಿಸು

    ♪ gadarisu
    1. to shout at; to reprimand; to rebuke severely.
    2. to shout (as to frighten cattle).
  10. ಕೆದಱಿಸು

    ♪ kedaṛisu
    1. to throw here and there or strew loosely; to scatter.
    2. to break up and cause to move in different directions; to disperse (something).
    3. to stir or agitate (as with a spoon or ladle.
    4. to arouse; to incite; to provoke.
  11. ಕೈದೋಱಿಸು

    ♪ kaidōṛisu
    1. to exhibit one's skill, valour, etc.
    2. to point (something) with the finger.