1. ಕೇತನ

    ♪ kētana
    1. a place where one lives or stays; a home; a residence; an abode.
    2. a piece of cloth bearing a design, motto, slogan, etc., sometimes attached to a staff and used as a battle standard; a banner.
    3. an invitation; a call; a summons.
    4. a sign; a symbol.
    5. the quality or state of being radiant; brightness; radiance; lustre.
    6. a place; a site.
    7. an act, esp. an indispensable one; a religious act.
    8. a mole, mark (on the skin).
  2. ಕದನ

    ♪ kadana
    1. the act or process of destroying; demolition or slaughter; destruction.
    2. a fight, esp. a large-scale engagement, between armed forces; a battle.
    3. an offense against God, religion or good morals; a sin.
  3. ಕತನ

    ♪ katana
    1. = ಕತ1.
  4. ಕಥನ

    ♪ kathana
    1. narration - a) the act or process of narrating; the telling of a story or of happenings; b) a story or account; a narrative.
  5. ಘಾತನ

    ♪ ghātana
    1. the act of breaking faith with; a cheating; betrayal.
    2. the act of inflicting pain; 3 the act or process of killing (another).
  6. ಖಾದನ

    ♪ khādana
    1. the act of grinding (food) with the teeth and taking into stomach; eating.
    2. that which is normally eaten as food.
    3. (dance) the moving both the rows of teeth (as if something is being eaten).
  7. ಕುತ್ತನಿ

    ♪ kuttani
    1. a fabric of silk, nylon, rayon or the like having a smooth finish, glossy on the face and dull on the back; satin.
  8. ಕುತ್ತಿನಿ

    ♪ kuttini
    1. = ಕುತ್ತನಿ.
  9. ಕುತ್ನಿ

    ♪ kutni
    1. a fabric of silk, nylon, rayon or the like having a smooth finish, glossy on the face and dull on the back; satin.
  10. ಕುದನೆ

    ♪ kudane
    1. (dial.) a plant of brinjal (Solanaceae) family.
    2. (dial.) its tiny round fruit used as vegetable.
  11. ಕುದುನಿ

    ♪ kuduni
    1. a fabric of silk, nylon, rayon or the like having a smooth finish, glossy on the face and dull on the back; satin.
  12. ಘಾತಿನಿ

    ♪ ghātini
    1. a female killer, murderer.
  13. ಕದನಿ

    ♪ kadani
    1. a large, mounted piece of artillery or a large gun with a relatively short barrel, used for salute-firing.
  14. ಕದಿನ

    ♪ kadina
    1. = ಕದಿನಿ.
  15. ಕದಿನಿ

    ♪ kadini
    1. a large, mounted piece of artillery.
    2. a large gun with a relatively short barrel, used for salute-firing.
  16. ಕಿತ್ತಾನ್

    ♪ kittān
    1. a sort of coarse hempen cloth; canvas.
  17. ಕುತನಿ

    ♪ kutani
    1. a fabric of silk, nylon, rayon or the like having a smooth finish, glossy on the face and dull on the back; satin.
  18. ಕೆತ್ತನೆ

    ♪ kettane
    1. the work or art of a person who carves.
    2. the act of inlaying a material (as a pearl, stone piece, ivory, etc.) to enhance the beauty, value etc.
    3. a carved figure or design; any work of sculpture.
  19. ಗಿದ್ನ

    ♪ gadna
    1. = ಗಿದ್ದಗೆ.
  20. ಗಿದ್ನ

    ♪ gadna
    1. a piece of cork, something made of cork or a similar stopper made of rubber, glass, etc., used as a stopper for a bottle, cask, etc.