1. ಕೇತಕ

    ♪ kētaka
    1. = ಕೇತನ - 2.
  2. ಕೇತಕ

    ♪ kētaka
    1. = ಕೇದಗೆ.
  3. ಖಾತಕ

    ♪ khātaka
    1. a man who digs (the earth); an excavator.
    2. a ditch; a moat.
  4. ಗದಕ

    ♪ gadaka
    1. that which is not natural; artificial; unnatural.
    2. an act of cheating; deception; fraud.
  5. ಕದಕ

    ♪ kadaka
    1. a thievish, deceitful man; a cheat; a thief.
  6. ಕಾದಗ

    ♪ kādaga
    1. a thin, flexible material made usu. in sheets from a pulp prepared from rags, wood or other fibrous material, and used for writing or printing on, for packaging, as wrapping material, structural material, etc.; a paper.
    2. a single sheet or piece of paper.
    3. a written or printed message; a letter.
    4. a card, folded and gummed or not, for writing or printing a message; a letter-card.
  7. ಗತಕ

    ♪ gataka
    1. that which is not natural; artificial; unnatural.
    2. an act of cheating; deception; fraud.
  8. ಖಾದಕ

    ♪ khādaka
    1. (masc.) one who eats; an eater.
  9. ಕತಕ

    ♪ kataka
    1. the nut of the tree Strychnos potatorum (family: Loganiaceae); clearing nut, ued to clear the water of suspended dirt.
  10. ಕದಕ

    ♪ kadaka
    1. a structure of bamboo, metal, etc. covered by green leaves, canvas, etc. as a protection from the sun or rain; an awning; a canopy.
  11. ಗತಕ

    ♪ gataka
    1. the act of going, moving.
    2. a frequent to and fro movement; oscillation.
  12. ಘಾತಕ

    ♪ ghātaka
    1. a man who kills, slaughters; a killer, murderer; a slaughterer.
    2. a man who inflicts distress (habitually); a wicked man.
    3. a man who is not worthy of trust; a perfidious, treacherous man; a betrayer.
  13. ಕಥಕ್

    ♪ kathak
    1. one of the systems of classical dance in India, which blends the traditional Indian system with that of Muslim.
  14. ಕಥಕ

    ♪ kathaka
    1. (masc.) a person who relates a story or account, esp. who recites the epics before gatherings of people; a sttory-teller; a narrator.
  15. ಘಾತಕ

    ♪ ghātaka
    1. tending or inclined to strike (another); that strikes; striking.
    2. that kills; tending to or having a habitual inclination to, kill.
  16. ಕದಿಕೆ

    ♪ kadike
    1. a place where grass, hay are stored.
  17. ಕದಿಕಿ

    ♪ kadiki
    1. a woman who steals or is guilty of theft; a thievish woman.
  18. ಕದಿಕ

    ♪ kadika
    1. a man who steals or is guilty of theft.
  19. ಕದಗು

    ♪ kadagu
    1. to become dense (as a tree with leaves).
  20. ಕತ್ತಿಗೆ

    ♪ kaattige
    1. a tool consisting of a crescent-shaped blade with a short handle used for cutting down tall grass, weeds, etc. 2) a short, thick, curving sword with a single cutting edge; a cutlas.