1. ಕೇಣ

    ♪ kēṇa
    1. (in weaving) the thread running lengthwise in the loom and crossed by the weft or woof; a warp.
  2. ಕೇಣ

    ♪ kēṇa
    1. the quality, state or fact of being deficient; (the amount of) a shortfall; something lacking, a defect; deficiency.
  3. ಕೇಣ

    ♪ kēṇa
    1. feeling of resentful or discontented longing aroused by another person's better fortune, situation, etc; envy; jealousy.
    2. extreme or passionate displeasure; anger; wrath.
    3. the quality of being culpably or inordinately desirous of gaining wealth or possessions; greediness; covetousness.
    4. the action of thinking; attentive consideration, reflection, meditation; cogitation.
    5. shyness; undue modesty.
    6. lack of braveness; fear.
  4. ಘೇಣ್

    ♪ ghēṇ
    1. the distance between the tips of the extended thumb and little finger, a unit of linear measure equal to nine inches; a span.
    2. a weapon with a short, pointed blade, used for stabbing; a dagger.
  5. ಗೇಣ್

    ♪ gēṇ
    1. = ಗೇಣು.
  6. ಗಾಣ

    ♪ gāṇa
    1. a press or mill used to extract juice from sugarcane or oil from oil seeds.
    2. ಗಾಣದ ಎತ್ತು gāṇada ettu an ox used to turn the heavy pestle of an oil mill; a miller's ox; 2. (fig.) a person engaged in a work that is hard, menial or tiresome; a workhorse; ಎಣ್ಣೆ ಬರುವಾಗ ಗಾಣ ಮುರೀತು eṇṇe baruvāga gāṇa murītu (prov.) misfortune times for itself when hard work is about to bring the fruit; ಗಾಣದೆತ್ತಿಗೆ ಗೆಜ್ಜೆ ಏಕೆ? ಗೋಣಿಗೆ ಗವಸಣಿಗೆ ಏಕೆ? gāṇadettige gejje ēke? gōṇige gavasṇige ēke? (prov.) a menial never needs a white collar coat.
  7. ಗಣ

    ♪ gaṇa
    1. a large number of persons or things, esp. when gathered together or considered as a unit; a multitude; a flock.
    2. (vīr.) a mendicant, who keeps moving from place to place.
    3. a group of attendants of Śiva, (as a class).
    4. a unit of an army with twentyseven chariots, twenty seven elephants, eighty one horses, and one hundred thirty five foot-soldiers.
    5. any of the minor or demi-gods.
    6. a number of people or things grouped together because of certain likenesses or common traits; a category; a class.
    7. (pros.) a metrical foot, with definite number of syllables.
    8. the plant Trachyspermum ammi ( = Carum cpiticum) of Apiaceae family; Bishop's weed.
    9. its seed.
    10. (astrol.) any of the three classes in to which human beings are classified based on their birth-stars, on which the matchability of the bride and groom is derived.
    11. (biol.) a scientific classification of a group of related plants or animals ranking above a family and below a class; an order.
    12. (math.) a collection of distinct entities, individually specified or satisfying specified conditions, forming a unit; a set.
  8. ಗಾಣ

    ♪ gāṇa
    1. a curved piece of wire or bone with a barbed end, for catching fish; a fish-hook.
    2. (fig.) a person or device that is deadly.
  9. ಕಣ್

    ♪ kaṇ
    1. the organ of vision; the eye.
    2. a look; glance; gaze.
    3. a thing like an eye in appearance or function as - a) a bud of a tuber, as a potato; b) the spot on a peacock's tail feather; c) the threading hole in a needle; d) a hole in a tool for fixing a handle; e) a mark spot on the surface of a die; f) the hole or space left open in a net; g) a hole; a cavity; an eyelet.
    4. (fig.) the important, attractive and vital part of anything.
    5. the excellent, superior thing in the class or group.
    6. (fig.) compassionate feeling or treatment; kindness; mercy.
    7. the central portion of any percussion instrument, where it is played with fingers; the black dough pasted on there;
    8. ಕಣ್ಗೆವರ್ kaṇgevar to be seen; 2. to be attractive; to be eye-catching; ಕಣ್ಣನೀರ್ kaṇṇa nīr = ಕಣ್ಣೀರು - 1; ಕಣ್ಣಪಾಪೆ kaṇṇa pāpe the pupil of the eye.
  10. ಖಣ

    ♪ kha'ṇa
    1. a floor prepared for beating out grains from the harvested crop; a thrashing floor.
    2. (hist.) a tax used to be levied on such floors.
    3. an area prepared for wrestlers to fight, usu. surrounded by seats for spectators; an arena.
    4. a sliding box in a table, chest, etc., that can be drawn out and then pushed back into place, used to keep small things; a drawer.
  11. ಖಣ

    ♪ kha'ṇa
    1. a piece of cloth for making a blouse; a blouse-piece.
  12. ಕಣ

    ♪ kaṇa
    1. a piece of cloth for making blouse; a blouse-piece.
  13. ಕಣ

    ♪ kaṇa
    1. a broken piece of a grain.
    2. a particle - a) an extremely small piece; tiny fragment; b) the slightest trace (as of truth, doubt); a speck.
    3. a glowing bit of matter, esp. one thrown off by a fire.
  14. ಗಣ

    ♪ gaṇa
    1. (usu. used in dupl.) the imitative sound of ringing bells.
  15. ಕಣಾ

    ♪ kaṇā
      independent clause
    1. an indiclinable denoting ' you know!' (while addressing men).
  16. ಕಾಣ

    ♪ kāṇa
    1. a man with one eye; a monocular man.
    2. a man deprived of sight; a blind man.
    3. a perforated or broken thing.
    4. the glossy black bird of moderate size; crow.
  17. ಕಣ

    ♪ kaṇa
    1. a floor made for thrashing grains.
    2. a battle-field.
    3. a play ground.
    4. a ground made ready for planting seeds or seedlings.
  18. ಕಾಣ

    ♪ kāṇa
    1. coarse food for cattle, horses, sheep, etc., as cornstalks, hay, and straw; fodder.
    2. a tax levied on cattle-feed (now obs.).
  19. ಕಾಣ್

    ♪ kāṇ
    1. = ಕಾಣು.
  20. ಕಾಣ

    ♪ kāṇa
    1. (dial.) a depositing of a valuable item as security for performance of a contract or payment of a loan; pledge.