1. ಕೇಡಾಳಿ

    ♪ kēḍāḷi
    1. = ಕೇಡಿಗ.
  2. ಕಟಳೆ

    ♪ kaṭaḷe
    1. a prescribed rule; an authoritative direction; the act of prescribing a rule; a regulating or regulation.
  3. ಕಟ್ಟಳೆ

    ♪ kaṭṭaḷe
    1. a prescribed rule; an authoritative direction; the act of prescribing a rule; a regulating or regulation; a code.
    2. (dance.) a hand gesture in which fingers are used to depict different sentiments.
    3. a unit of weight (in weighing gold, pearls etc.).
    4. the arrangement made for offering food to a deity.
    5. a prescribed service (as to a temple, religious teachers, monks, etc.).
    6. an opportunity or obligation etc. that comes successively to each of several persons etc.
    7. a specified or prescribed length of time.
    8. an established social convention carried on by tradition; a custom.
    9. action to secure justice in a court of law; a law-suit.
    10. a way, path or course of movement; the course to be followed.
  4. ಕಟ್ಟಳೆ

    ♪ kaṭṭaḷe
    1. the liquid left after churning butter from milk, without water being added.
  5. ಕಟ್ಟಳೆ

    ♪ kaṭṭaḷe
    1. an image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship; an idol.
  6. ಕಟ್ಟಾಳ್

    ♪ kaṭṭāḷ
    1. = ಕಟ್ಟಾಳು.
  7. ಕಟ್ಟಾಳು

    ♪ kaṭṭāḷu
    1. a man of extraordinary valour, courage.
    2. a most dependable, trusted servant.
  8. ಕಾಡುಳ್ಳಿ

    ♪ kāḍuḷḷi
    1. the plant Crinum defixum of Liliaceae family.
    2. its bulb; poison bulb.
    3. the plant Urginia indica (= Scilla indica) of Liliaceae family.
    4. its bulb; white squill.
  9. ಕಾಡೆಳ್

    ♪ kāḍeḷ
    1. = ಕಾಡೆಳ್ಳು.
  10. ಕಾಡೆಳ್ಳು

    ♪ kāḍeḷḷu
    1. the plant Sesamum indicum of Pedaliaceae family.
    2. its seed.
  11. ಕಿಟ್ಟಳ

    ♪ kiṭṭaḷa
    1. wanton insolence or arrogance resulting from excessive pride or from passion; hubris.
  12. ಕುಟಿಳ

    ♪ kuṭiḷa
    1. = ಕುಟಿಲ1.
  13. ಕುಟಿಳ

    ♪ kuṭiḷa
    1. = ಕುಟಿಲ2.
  14. ಕೂಟಾಳಿ

    ♪ kuṭāḷi
    1. a person who tends to be in company of others.
  15. ಕೂಡಾಳಿ

    ♪ kūdāḷi
    1. = ಕೂಡಾಡಿ.
  16. ಕೊಟ್ಟಳಿ

    ♪ koṭṭaḷi
    1. = ಕೊಟ್ಟಣಗಿತ್ತಿ.
  17. ಕೋಡಾಳಿ

    ♪ kōḍāḷi
    1. = ಕೋಡಾಡಿ.
  18. ಗಡುಳ

    ♪ gaḍusuḷa
    1. = ಗಡುರ.
  19. ಗುಟ್ಟಳಿ

    ♪ guṭṭaḷi
    1. (a secret) to be divulged, made known to others; to disclose; to reveal.
    2. (fig.) (one's potential, innate capacity, weak points) to be known by his rivals, resulting in one becoming weak.
  20. ಗೊಟಾಳೆ

    ♪ goṭāḷe
    1. the state or condition of being puzzled, confused; a situation that is very complicated, problems in which are hard to untangle, understand, analyse, etc.
    2. dirty material as a semi or thick liquid mixture of decomposed, rotten material or wet, soggy mud, slush, etc.