1. ಕಾಡುಬೆಂಡೆ

    ♪ kāḍu beṇḍe
    1. the tree Tetrameles nudiflora of Datescaceae family.
    2. the plant Azanza lampas (= Thespesia lampas, = Hibiscus lampas) of Malvaceae family.
    3. the plant Erinocarpus nimmonii of Tiliaceae family.
    4. the tree Gyrocarpus americanus (= G. jacquine) of Hernanandiaceae family.
    5. the plant Triumfetta bartramia (= T. rhomboidea, = T. angulata) of Tiliaceae family.
  2. ಕಡುಬಂಡೆ

    ♪ kaḍubaṇḍe
    1. a huge rock.