1. ಕಲ್ಪ

    ♪ kalpa
    1. a commandment or direction meant as a rule of action or conduct ; a precept.
    2. a minor scripture that deals with the rules for ceremonial acts or sacrifices.
    3. one of the eighteen traditional writings or scriptures of Hindus.
    4. a measure of time, as a day of the universe; (myth.) a period of thousand yugas (eras) (4,320 million years).
    5. a thing or option chosen in place of another.
    6. (myth.) the Final Deluge, at the final destruction of the universe.
    7. medical treatment of the sick.
    8. the wish-yielding tree of the Heaven.
    9. (Jain.) one of the sixteen heavens.
    10. (Jain.) a cycle of duration which includes universal progression and retrogression.
    11. one of the four kinds of sacred ash.
  2. ಕಲ್ಪ

    ♪ kalpa
    1. (dial.) the skill in deception; craftiness.
  3. ಕಲಾಪ

    ♪ kalāpa
    1. a thing, matter to be dealt with at a meating, usu. listed in an agenda.
    2. (a list of) programme of things to be done (in a meating); an agenda.
  4. ಕಲಾಪ

    ♪ kalāpa
    1. a group of people, animals or things; a multitude; a bundle.
    2. a peaock's tail feather.
    3. a case for arrows; a quiver.
    4. an ornamental metal belt worn around the waist by a woman; a sash.
    5. (in gen.) any ornament.
    6. the moon.
    7. name of a town or village in which Viṣṇu is believed to be incarnating at the end of the current era.
    8. a slender, straight missile with a pointed end shot from a bow; an arrow.
  5. ಕಾಲಾಪ

    ♪ kālāpa
    1. a particular manner of singing using all the seven notes of a mode.
  6. ಕಲಾಪ

    ♪ kalāpa
    1. a violent movement within a group of a people or against the government, management, etc.; an upheaval; commotion.
  7. ಕಾಲಾಪ

    ♪ kālāpa
    1. the hair on the head.
    2. the hood of a serpent.
    3. a demon; a goblin; an imp.
  8. ಕಳಾಪ

    ♪ kaḷāpa
    1. a group of people, animals or things; a multitude; a bundle.
    2. a peaock's tail feather.
    3. a case for arrows; a quiver.
    4. an ornamental metal belt worn around the waist by a woman; a sash.
    5. (in gen.) any ornament.
    6. the moon.
    7. name of atown or village in which Viṣṇu is believed to be incarnating at the end of the current era.
    8. a slender, straight missile with a pointed end shot from a bow; an arrow.
  9. ಕಲಪು

    ♪ kalapu
    1. a collection of materials, accumulated for some purpose (as building materials for construction of a house).
    2. a collection of materials rejected and thrown away as worthless; rubbish.
  10. ಕಿಲಾಪು

    ♪ kilāpu
    1. = ಕಿಲಾಪ.
  11. ಕಲ್ಲುಪ್ಪು

    ♪ kalluppu
    1. common salt, natural sodium chloride, occurring in solid form, esp. in rocklike masses; halite; rock salt.
    2. common salt that is not ground; granular salt.
  12. ಕಲ್ಪಿ

    ♪ kalpi
    1. the act, fact or process of learning, gaining knowledge.
    2. knowledge so got.
  13. ಕಾಲ್ಪಿ

    ♪ kālpi
    1. authoritatively commanded or required; religiously obligatory.
  14. ಕಳಾಪ

    ♪ kaḷāpa
    1. a thing, matter to be dealt with at a meating, usu. listed in an agenda; one of the items listed to be done.
    2. (a list of) programme of things to be done (in a meeting); an agenda.
  15. ಕಲಾಪಿ

    ♪ kalāpi
    1. a male peafowl, having brilliant plumage and a tail (with eyelike markings) that can be expanded and displayed like a fan; a pea-cock.
    2. the Indian cuckoo.
    3. a woman well decorated.
    4. the Indian fig tree, Ficus benghlensis.
  16. ಕಲಪು

    ♪ kalapu
    1. (dial.) a dye used to blacken the hairs.
  17. ಕಲುಪಿ

    ♪ kalupi
    1. the act, fact or process of learning, gaining knowledge.
  18. ಕಾಲ್ಪಿ

    ♪ kālpi
    1. name of a town in the north-west part of India.
  19. ಕಿಲಾಪ

    ♪ kilāpa
    1. a verbal conflict between antagonists; a quarrel.
  20. ಕೆಲಪು

    ♪ kelapu
    1. the bellowing sound of a bull.